Marjorie Cohn
Marjorie Cohn
Emeritus Faculty
J.D., Santa Clara University School of Law;
B.A., Stanford University, with departmental honors
in Social Thought and Institutions
Phone: (619) 961-4219

Professor Cohn is a former president of the National Lawyers Guild. She lectures throughout the world on international human rights and U.S. foreign policy. She has been a news consultant for CBS News and a legal analyst for Court TV, and has also provided legal and political commentary on BBC, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, NPR, and Pacifica Radio. In 2010, Professor Cohn was invited to debate the legality of the war in Afghanistan at the prestigious Oxford Union.


In addition, Professor Cohn is the author of Cowboy Republic: Six Ways the Bush Gang Has Defied the Law and co-author of Cameras in the Courtroom: Television and the Pursuit of Justice, and Rules of Disengagement: The Politics and Honor of Military Dissent. She is editor and contributor to The United States and Torture: Interrogation, Incarceration and Abuse, and Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral, and Geopolitical Issues.


Her articles have appeared in numerous journals such as Fordham Law Review, Hastings Law Journal and Virginia Journal of International Law, as well as The National Law Journal, Christian Science Monitor and Chicago Tribune. Professor Cohn is a contributing editor to Jurist and National Lawyers Guild Review, and her frequent columns appear on Huffington Post, Truthout, CommonDreams, Counterpunch, OpedNews, ZNet, and GlobalResearch, and are archived at


She has been a criminal defense attorney at the trial and appellate levels for many years, and was staff counsel to the California Agricultural Labor Relations Board. Professor Cohn is the U.S. representative to the executive committee of the Association of American Jurists and is deputy secretary general of the Bureau of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers.


The recipient of the San Diego County Bar Association's 2005 Service to Legal Education Award, Professor Cohn was recognized as one of San Diego's Top Attorneys in Academics for 2006, 2008 and 2009, and was given the 2007 Bernard E. Witkin, Esq. Award for Excellence in the Teaching of the Law by the San Diego Law Library Justice Foundation. She received the 2008 Peace Scholar of the Year Award from the Peace and Justice Studies Association, the 2009 Amnesty International-San Diego Digna Ochoa Human Rights Defender Award, and the 2010 Alumni Achievement Award from the Santa Clara University School of Law.


Professor Cohn sits on the board of directors of the Vietnam Agent Orange Relief and Responsibility Campaign, the advisory board of Veterans for Peace, and she is a civilian member of the board of GI Voice. She is also a member of the Advisory Board for the American Constitution Society – San Diego Chapter. Professor Cohn testified in 2008 about government torture policy before the House Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, and she has testified at military courts-martial about the illegality of the wars, the duty to obey lawful orders, and the duty to disobey unlawful orders. She was a legal observer in Iran on behalf of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers in 1978 and she has participated in delegations to Cuba, China and Yugoslavia.


She lived in Mexico and is fluent in Spanish. Professor Cohn has taught at Thomas Jefferson since 1991.


Visit Professor Cohn's website


Courses include:

Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Evidence, International Human Rights Law.



Drones and targeted killing: legal, moral and geopolitical issues (with Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Richard Falk, Medea Benjamin, Tom Hayden, Phyllis Bennis, Jane Mayer, Ishai Menuchin, Alice Ross, Jay Stanley, and Harry van der Linden) (ed., Olive Branch Press 2015)

The United States and Torture: Interrogation, Incarceration, And Abuse (paperback) (NYU Press, 2012)

The United States and Torture: Interrogation, Incarceration and Abuse (Ed., NYU Press, 2011)

Rules Of Disengagement: The Politics And Honor Of Military Dissent (with Kathleen Gilberd) (PoliPoint Press, 2009)

Cowboy Republic: Six Ways the Bush Gang Has Defied the Law (PoliPointPress, 2007)

Cameras in The Courtroom: Television and the Pursuit of Justice (co-authored with David Dow) (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1998), reprinted (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield 2002) and in Chinese translation (Taibei Shi : Shang zhou chu ban, 2002)


Contributing Editor (2004-2005), Truthout (published online,

Editor (1994-2004), Guild Practitioner (now National Lawyers Guild Review)

Contributing Editor (2000-present), Jurist: Legal Intelligence for an Educated Democracy (published online,


Drones and the Human Right to Peace , Peace Rev. (with Jeanne Mirer) (2015)

Drones and Double Standards, in WAR AND ENVIRONMENT (Gar Smith ed., Foundation for Deep Ecology , forthcoming 2016)

Agent Orange: Terrible Legacy of the Vietnam War, in WAR AND ENVIRONMENT (Gar Smith ed., Foundation for Deep Ecology , forthcoming 2016)

Prisoners’ Struggle Ends Indefinite Solitary Confinement , Huffington Post (2015), available at

One Day Soon, That Drone Overhead May Be Pointing a Taser at You, Huffington Post (2015), available at

From Japan to Vietnam, Radiation and Agent Orange Survivors Deserve Justice From the U.S., Huffington Post (2015), available at

Weapons of War and Mass Destruction, in Preventing War and Promoting Peace: A Guide for Health Professionals (with Pauline Lubens, Evan Kanter, Kaveh Khoshnood, Bandy X. Lee, Jurgen Brauer, Curtis Holland, Jean Grassman, Ira Helfand, Patrick Hiller, and John Schuford) (William H. Wiist and Shelley K. White ed., Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2017)

The U.S. Aids and Abets War Crimes in the Philippines, Huffington Post (2015), available at

Next Steps in the Normalization of U.S.-Cuban Relations: Thoughts From the Cuban Five, Huffington Post (2015), available at

Ferguson Prosecutor Manipulates Grand Jury Process to Shield Officer, 11 Police Misconduct & Civ. Rts. Law Report 1 (2015)

Arizona's Immigration Law Encourages Racial Profiling, in Racial Profiling 187 (with Earl Ofari Hutchinson, Tim Wise, William Covington, Kamalakar Duvvuru, Sahar Aziz, Coleen Rowley, James A. Kowalski, Jody Feder, Sameera Hafiz, and Donald Tomaskovic-Devey & Patricia Warren) (with Carol Ullmann and Lynn M. Zott ed., Greenhaven Press 2013)

Teaching Torture at the School of the Americas, 35 T. Jefferson L. Rev. 1 (2013)

Training Torturers: The School of the Americas, in A World of Torture 233 (ACAT 2013 Report)

Torture as Terrorism, in Weapon of the Strong: Conversations on U.S. State Terrorism (with Jon Bailes and Cihan Aksan ed., Pluto Press, 2012)

Endless War Crimes by the US in Iraq, in Euro Paische Ideen, Crimes of the Empire 1 (with Robert Fisk, Ross Caputi, Giuliana Sgrena, Paul Craig Roberts, Bill Van Auken, John Pilger, Sean Penn, Uri Avnery, Ismail Haniyeh, and Ang Swee Chai) (A.W. Mytze, London 2012)

Racial Profiling Legalized in Arizona, 1 Colum. J. Race & L. 168 (2012)

Breeding Ground: Afghanistan and the Origins of Islamist Terrorism, 68 Guild Practicioner 189 (2011)

Advising Clients to Commit War Crimes With Impunity: An Unethical Practice, 10 Seattle J. Soc. Just. 249 (2011)

Trading Civil Liberties for Apparent Security Is a Bad Deal, in National Security, Civil Liberties, and The War on Terror 69 (M. Katherine B. Darmer & Richard D. Fybel, eds., 2011)

Colorblind Injustice: Roberts Court Violates Affirmative Action Mandates in Race Convention, 65 Guild Prac. 68 (2009)

Trading Civil Liberties for Apparent Security is a Bad Deal, 12 Chap. L. Rev. 615 (2009)

Peace Profile: Victor Rabinowitz, 20 Peace Rev. 398 (2008)

Let the Sun Shine on the Supreme Court, 35 Hastings Const. L.Q. 161 (2008)

Police Interrogation, How the Court Refused to Find That Torture Violates Due Process, in We Dissent: Talking Back to the Rehnquist Court. Eight Cases that Subverted Civil Liberties and Civil Rights, 152 (Michael Avery, ed., 2008)

Speech Upon Assuming the Presidency of the National Lawyers Guild, 63 Guild Practitioner 129 (2006)

The Gonzales Indictment, in In the Name of Democracy: American War Crimes in Iraq and Beyond 133 (Jeremy Brecher, Jill Cutler, and Brendan Smith, eds., Metropolitan/Holt 2005)

U.S. Coup D’Etat in Haiti, 61 Guild Practitioner 129 (2004)

United States Violation of International Law in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, and Iraq, in Challenges of Multi-Level Constitutionalism 233 (Joakim Nergelius, Pasquale Policastro & Kenji Urata, eds., Polpress, 2004)

Resisting Equality: Why the United States Refuses to Ratify the Women's Convention, 26 T. Jefferson L. Rev. 15 (2004)

Close the Concentration Camp at Guantanamo, 76 Covert Action Quarterly (2004)

Oil: Weapon of Mass Destruction, 11 Bridges: An Interdisciplinary J Theology, Phil., Hist. & Science 1 (2004)

Human Rights: Casualty of the War on Terror, 25 T. Jefferson L. Rev. 317 (2004)

On Terrorism and National Liberation Struggles, 11 Intl'l Islamic Univ. Malaysia L.J. 297 (2003)

The Legal Profession: Looking Backward: The Evisceration of the Attorney-Client Privilege in the Wake of September 11, 2001, 71 Fordham L. Rev. 1233 (2003)

The Myth of Humanitarian Intervention in Kosovo, in Lessons of Kosovo: The Dangers of Humanitarian Intervention 121 (Aleksandar Jokic, ed., Broadview, 2003)

Affirmative Action and the Equality Principle in Human Rights Treaties: United States’ Violation of Its International Obligations, 43 Va. J. Int'l. L. 249 (2002)

Understanding, Responding to, and Preventing Terrorism, 24 Arab Studies Q. 25 (2002)

NATO Bombing of Kosovo: Humanitarian Intervention or Crime Against Humanity?, 15 Int. J. Semiot. Law 79 (2002)

Bombing of Afghanistan Is Illegal and Must Be Stopped, Int'l Rev. Contemporary L. 51 (special ed. 2002, Military Intervention in Afghanistan, The War on Terrorism: Violations of International Law)

Affirmative Action Mandates in U.S. International Legal Obligations, in Using the Law to Achieve Equality: A Report from the National Lawyers Guild-National Union of Cuban Jurists Seminar in Havana, Cuba 9 (Nat’l Lawyers Guild, 2002)

Criminal Law: Substantive Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, Social Sciences and Humanities: Law, § (co-authored with Steven Semeraro & Ruth B. Philips) (UNESCO-EOLSS, 2002) (published online at

The World Trade Organization: Elevating Property Interests Above Human Rights, 29 Ga. J. Int'l & Comp. L. 427 (2001)

Open-And-Shut: Senate Impeachment Deliberations Must Be Public, 51 Hastings L.J. 365 (2000)

The Politics of the Clinton Impeachment and the Death of the Independent Counsel Statute: Toward Depoliticization, 102 W. Va. L. Rev. 59 (1999)

Download a list of Shorter Work for Professor Cohn


Inside Drone Warfare:, Perspectives of Whistleblowers, Families of Drone Victims and Their Lawyers, University of Nevada, Las Vegas William S. Boyd School of Law, Las Vegas (March 30, 2016)

Women in Politics panel discussion, Women's Law Association, Thomas Jefferson School of Law, San Diego (March 25, 2016)

Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral, and Geopolitical Issues, sponsored by the Quaker House, Charlottesville, VA (March 20, 2016)

Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral, and Geopolitical Issues, Festival of the Book, sponsored by Amnesty International, Charlottesville, VA (March 20, 2016)

The Legacy of the Vietnam War, Keynote Address, California Council for Social Studies, Costa Mesa, CA (March 6, 2016)

The US is Still Violating the UN Charter After 70 Years, Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the UN Charter, International Association of Democratic Lawyers, Musee Social, Paris, France (December 4, 2015)

The Fight for 15 (minimum wage), Women Fighting Back: International and Legal Perspectives, International Association of Democratic Lawyers, Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers, European Association of Lawyers for Democracy and World Human Rights, London South Bank University, London (November 29, 2015)

Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral, and Geopolitical Issues, First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany, Albany, NY (November 15, 2015)

Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral, and Geopolitical Issues, Women Against War Annual Gathering, St. Andrews Episcopal Church, Albany, NY (November 14, 2015)

Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral, and Geopolitical Issues, New York Civil Liberties Union, Capital Region Chapter and Women Against War, Albany Law School, Albany, NY (November 13, 2015)

Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral, and Geopolitical Issues, Dept. of Political Science, UUP Albany Chapter (Peace & Justice Committee), Women Against War, University of Albany, Albany, NY (November 13, 2015)

1984 Panel Discussion Series , WAR IS PEACE: The Patterns and Politics of Fear, The Eli and Edythe Broad Stage at the Santa Monica College Performing Arts Center, Los Angeles, CA (November 2, 2015)

Whither the UN? - Not Wither the UN, National Lawyers Guild International Committee, Oakland, CA (October 22, 2015)

Interfaith Action on Drone Warfare, Parliament of World's Religions, Salt Palace Convention Center, Salt Lake City, Utah (October 17, 2015)

The Middle East and Ukraine - Peace or War?, Plenary, Veterans For Peace convention, San Diego (August 7, 2015)

Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral, and Geopolitical Issues, Life at Mira Costa College, Mira Costa College, Oceanside, CA (July 24, 2015)

Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral, and Geopolitical Issues, Progressive Democrats of America, San Diego (June 24, 2015)

'La Responsibilidad de Proteger' No Es Consistente Con La Carta de Naciones Unidas, VII Escuela de Verano de Derecho Internacional Publico Y IX Seminario-Taller Internacional de Derecho Internacional Humanitario, Hotel Nacional, Havana, Cuba (June 9, 2015)

The Senate Intelligence Committee's torture report, 'We Tortured Some Folks' But Don't Take it Too Seriously, Says US Government, The Left Forum, New York City (May 31, 2015)

The Senate Intelligence Committee's torture report, 'We Tortured Some Folks' But Don't Take it Too Seriously, Says US Government, The Left Forum, New York City (May 31, 2015)

Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral, and Geopolitical Issues, What's the 'War on Terror' Coming To?, The Left Forum, New York City (May 30, 2015)

Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral, and Geopolitical Issues, Democratic Professional Club, Joyce Beers Center, San Diego (May 27, 2015)

A nation under surveillance, Introduction to Robert Scheer's book talk, 'They Know Everything About You: How Data-Collecting Corporations and Snooping Government Agencies are Destroying Democracy', Benefit for KNSJ Radio, San Diego (May 16, 2015)

Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral, and Geopolitical Issues, Desmond Tutu Center, Butler University, Indianapolis, IN (April 7, 2015)

Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral, and Geopolitical Issues, World Affairs Council - Northern San Diego County, Rancho Bernardo, San Diego (April 2, 2015)

Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral, and Geopolitical Issues, Suffolk Transnational Law Review, Suffolk Law School, Boston, Massachusetts (March 30, 2015)

Drones and Targeted Killing, From Ukraine to ISIS to Drones: Why We Must Demilitarize US Foreign Policy, University of DC Law School, Washington DC (March 20, 2015)

Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral, and Geopolitical Issues, National Lawyers Guild International Committee, Sturm College of Law, Denver, CO (March 7, 2015)

Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral, and Geopolitical Issues, National Lawyers Guild Los Angeles chapter, Los Angeles (March 1, 2015)

Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral, and Geopolitical Issues, Peace Resource Center of San Diego, National Lawyers Guild San Diego chapter, San Diego Veterans for Peace, Church of the Brethern, San Diego (February 22, 2015)

Bridging the Gap between Police Practices, Youth, and Communities of Color: A Vision for Change, Thomas Jefferson School of Law, San Diego (February 18, 2015)

An Afternoon with Marjorie Cohn, Senate torture report and 'Drones and Targeted Killing', Peace Fresno & the Human Rights Coalition of the Central Valley, Community United Church of Christ, Fresno, CA (February 8, 2015)

Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral, and Geopolitical Issues, National Lawyers Guild, New York City (January 25, 2015)

Convention Against Torture, Torture Statute, Senate torture report, International Museum of Human Rights, Beneath the Blindfold, MIssion Valley Library, San Diego (January 18, 2015)

The case of Rasmea Odeh, Palestinian Womens Association of Southern California, Anaheim, CA (December 7, 2014)

Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral and Geopolitical Issues, La Mesa-Foothills Democratic Club, La Mesa, CA (December 3, 2014)

Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral and Geopolitical Issues, Monterey Peace & Justice Center, Seaside, CA (November 22, 2014)

Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral and Geopolitical Issues, Co-sponsored by Santa Cruz Jewish Voice for Peace, Palestine Israel Action Committee, Resource Center for Nonviolence, and Students for Justice in Palestine, Resource Center for Nonviolence, Santa Cruz, CA (November 21, 2014)

Are the police doing a difficult job in the safest way possible, or going too far in the name of public safety?, Debate sponsored by KNSJ FM 89.1 & The San Diego Debate Society, San Diego Repertory Theatre, San Diego (November 19, 2014)

Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral and Geopolitical Issues, Mission Hills Books & Collectibles, San Diego, CA (November 14, 2014)

Which is better to reform the surveillance system: Congress or the courts?, Whistleblowers and Independent Media, St Johns Episcopal Church, Berkeley, CA (November 9, 2014)

Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral and Geopolitical Issues, Modern Times Bookstore, San Francisco, CA (November 8, 2014)

Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral and Geopolitical Issues, Peninsula Peace & Justice Center, Palo Alto, CA (November 7, 2014)

Reframing US Foreign Policy & Respect for Human Rights, Human Rights Week, School of International Service, Society for Ethics, Peace & Global Affairs, US Foreign Policy Activist Cooperative, Philosophy & Religion, American University (September 23, 2014)

Free Speech, Material Support, Boycott and Divestment, Confronting Challenges to Palestine Activism, US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, San Diego (September 19, 2014)

Will Supreme Court Apply Cell Phone Privacy to Metadata Collection?, Constitution Day, American Constitution Society - Cal Western chapter, San Diego (September 17, 2014)

Police torture in Chicago and torture by US at Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo and US Supermax prisons, Pursuing Accountability and Reparations for US Torture, National Lawyers Guild annual convention, Chicago (September 6, 2014)

US treaty obligations and pursuing justice at the ICC, Organizing for Human Rights Accountability in the US: Using the UN & International Human Rights Law to Promote Justice, National Lawyers Guild annual convention, Chicago (September 5, 2014)

Achieving Peace & Justice in Israel/Palestine, World Affairs Council, North County chapter, Rancho Bernardo (July 17, 2014)

Skype comments after screening of Robert Greenwald's film 'Unmanned', Drone strikes, American University, Washington DC (April 23, 2014)

The Struggle for International Criminal Court's Competency Over Crime of Aggression, Impunity and International Justice, Congress of International Association of Democratic Lawyers, Brussels, Belgium (April 17, 2014)

The 'Responsibility to Protect' vs. the UN Charter, Impunity and International Justice, Congress of International Association of Democratic Lawyers, Brussels, Belgium (April 17, 2014)

Drones in Our Soceity, Kensington-Talmadge Community Association, San Diego (February 20, 2014)

Why is America Afraid of Our Young Black Men?, San Diego African-American Museum of Fine Art, Links Inc. - San Diego Chapter, Martin Luther King Center, Bayview Baptist Church, San Diego (February 15, 2014)

Legal Challenges to Drone Strikes, Drones Around the Globe: Proliferation and Resistance, CODEPINK, Center for Constitutional Rights, The Nation Magazine, National Lawyers Guild - Georgetown Chapter, Washington DC (November 17, 2013)

What Criminal Defense Attorneys Should Know About NSA Surveillance, San Diego Criminal Defense Bar Association, San Diego, California (October 29, 2013)

Extrajudicial Killing and the Drone Industry, National Lawyers Guild Convention, San Juan, Puerto Rico (October 25, 2013)

Whistleblowers Bradley Manning & Edward Snowden: US and International Law Implications, Humanist Fellowship of San Diego, World Affairs Council, Americans United for Separation of Church & States, Santa Fe Room, Balboa Park, San Diego (September 21, 2013)

Guantanamo, Drone Strikes, and the Non-War Terror War, Peace & Social Justice Center of South Central Kansas, Mennonite Church, Wichita, KS (September 13, 2013)

Trading Civil Liberties for Apparent Security is a Bad Deal, Constitutional Law class for pre-law students, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS (September 13, 2013)

Edward Snowden, Whistleblowers, and a Culture of Surveillance, Manhattan Alliance for Peace & Justice, Women Studies Center of Kansas State Univ., Philosophy Dept. (KSU), Leadership Dept. (KSU), Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS (September 12, 2013)

Drones and Poetry, North County Forum and the San Diego Peace Resource Center, Palomar Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Vista, CA (September 1, 2013)

Bombing Syria Would be Illegal, San Diego Coalition for Peace & Justice Peace Rally, Balboa Park, San Diego (August 31, 2013)

Three Reasons for the Not Guilty Verdict, The Intersection of Race and Law: Response to Trayvon Martin Tragedy and Zimmerman Not Guilty Verdict, Sponsored by TJSL BLSA chapter, NAACP of San Diego, Earl B. Gilliam Bar Association, at San Diego Foundation Center for Civic Engagement, San Diego (August 9, 2013)

Drones and Targeted Killing, World Affairs Council of Northern San Diego County, Remington, Rancho Bernardo (July 11, 2013)

'Responsibility to Protect' and the case of Syria, International Peace Congress, World Peace Council and the Peace Association of Turkey, Istanbul, Turkey (April 27, 2013)

Drones, Murder and Targeted Killings, Monterey Bay Area Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild, Santa Cruz GI Rights Hotline, Peace and Freedom Party, Code Pink Santa Cruz, People United for Peace - Santa Cruz, ACLU of Santa Cruz, and Women's International League for Peace and Freedom - Santa Cruz, Resource Center for Nonviolence, Santa Cruz, CA (April 20, 2013)

Drones, Murder and Targeted Killings, Peace Resource Center and National Lawyers Guild (Monterey Bay Area Chapter), Peace Resource Center, Seaside, CA (April 20, 2013)

Drone Warfare, Targeted Assassinations, Torture, and the Human Right to Peace, Sacramento Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild, Sacramento/Sierra Foothills Chapter of the Womens International League for Peace and Freedom, Sacramento Peace Action, Southside Park CoHousing Common House, Sacramento, CA (April 14, 2013)

Drone War, Class War, and the Future of the Democratic Party, Progressive Caucus of the California Democratic Party, California Democratic Convention, Sacramento, CA (April 13, 2013)

Drones and Targeted Killing, Poway Democratic Club, Poway, CA (April 11, 2013)

Independent Journalism on War, Conflict and Human Rights, National Conference for Media Reform, Sheraton Hotel, Denver, CO (April 6, 2013), available at

Drones, Targeted Killing, and Independent Media, Interview with Free Speech TV, Sheraton Hotel, Denver, CO (April 6, 2013), available at

Iraq, Vietnam, Bradley Manning and Dan Ellsberg, Whistleblowers: Exposing Illegal U.S. Wars, Career Technology Center Theatre, San Diego City College, San Diego, CA (March 24, 2013)

The Responsibility to Protect and Libya, Syria and Mali, World Affairs Council of Northern San Diego County, Rancho Bernardo (January 17, 2013)

Government Sanctioned Torture and Human Rights: What's really going on and what can we do about it?, Human Rights Day Commemoration in Fresno - sponsored by 30 community groups, College Community Congregational Church, Fresno, CA (December 8, 2012)

The Human Right to Peace, National Lawyers Guild Convention, Pasadena, California (October 12, 2012)

The United States and Torture: Interrogation, Incarceration, and Abuse, Searching for Democracy: A Public Conversation about the Constitution, San Diego Public Library, San Diego (October 8, 2012)

The Bill of Rights: Criminal Justice and Fair Procedures, Series of Discussions of Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, San Diego Public Library, San Diego (October 3, 2012)

The Republican War on Women, Poway Democratic Club meeting, Community Center, Poway, CA (September 13, 2012)

National Security and Torture (with Sam Nejabat), Campaigning for Human Rights, La Jolla Library, La Jolla, CA (August 29, 2012)

Solitary Confinement: Is It Torture?, Sponsored by AFSC, All of Us or None, California Prison Focus, Campaign Against the Death Penalty, Critical Resistance, Legal Services for Prisoners With Children, National Lawyers Guild Bay Area Chapter, Prison Activist Resource Center, San Francisco, CA (July 16, 2012)

The United States and Torture, Citizens for Peaceful Resolution, Veterans for Peace # 112, and Pulse TV, Ventura, CA (May 6, 2012)

Immigrants’ Rights on Trial in the Supreme Court, National Lawyers Guild – TJSL chapter, National Lawyers Guild – S.D. chapter, American Friends Service Committee, Equality Alliance of San Diego, Organizing for Justice Committee, First UU Church of San Diego, San Diego Immigrant Justice Consortium, San Diego Organizing Project, Thomas Jefferson School of Law, San Diego, CA (April 23, 2012)

Stand Your Ground panel (BLSA), Thomas Jefferson School of Law, San Diego, CA (April 4, 2012)

The United States and Torture, La Jolla Democratic Club, La Jolla, CA (April 15, 2012)

Accountability of Lawyers Who Justify Torture, National Lawyers Guild-Marquette Law School chapter, Marquette Law School , Milwaukee, WI (April 13, 2012)

Security, Torture & Justice: From Guantánamo to Fort Leavenworth, National Lawyers Guild-Milwaukee chapter, Greater Milwaukee UN Association, Progressive Students of Milwaukee, Wisconsin Coalition to Normalize Relations with Cuba, Peace Action Wisconsin, Latin American Solidarity Committee, Veterans for Peace, SDS Milwaukee, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI (April 12, 2012)

The United States and Torture, Fallbrook Democratic Club, Fallbrook, CA (April 5, 2012)

The United States and Torture, The United States and Torture, The Redwoods, Mill Valley, CA (March 23, 2012)

The United States and Torture, Peninsula Peace and Justice Center, Palo, Alto, CA (March 22, 2012)

Torture and the Possibility of Community, Center for Multicultural Education, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA (March 1, 2012)

The Legality and Wisdom of Armed Intervention in Libya, Testing Local Readiness in a Time of Terror, Indiana University School of Law – Indianapolis and School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University, Indianapolis, October 27, 2011

Violations of International Law in Israel/Palestine, National Lawyers Guild annual convention, Philadelphia, October 14, 2011

The United States and Torture: Interrogation, Incarceration, and Abuse (book talk), 6th Annual San Diego City College International Book Fair, Seville Theatre, San Diego City College, October 8, 2011

Holding the Architects of the Bush Administration Torture Policy Accountable, on panel Global Perspectives on Torture and Justice, LatCrit XVI, Hilton Harbor Island, San Diego, October 7, 2011

The United States and torture, Veterans for Peace – Hugh Thompson Memorial Chapter, San Diego, August 2, 2011

The Responsibility to Protect, World Affairs Council of Northern San Diego, County, Rancho Bernardo, July 28, 2011

Torture and Ethics, World Peace Through Law Section, Washington State Bar Association, Seattle, July 27, 2011

United States and Torture: Ethical Implications for Attorney Advice, Orange County MCLE Seminar & Reception; TJSL Alumni Association, Team Disney; Anaheim, June 18, 2011

The US and Torture, Bin Laden assassination, global politics, Black Mountain Democratic Club, San Diego (Mira Mesa), May 19, 2011

The Erosion of Miranda, Criminal Defense Lawyers Club, San Diego, April 13 2011

The United States and Torture: Interrogation, Incarceration, and Abuse, National Lawyers Guild, TJSL, April 12, 2011

International Law in the Libyan conflict, Teach-in: Revolution in the Arab World – Past, Present, Future, National Lawyers Guild and San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice, TJSL, April 9, 2011

The United States and Torture: Interrogation, Incarceration, and Abuse,  Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute, Oakland, CA, February 26, 2011

The United States and Torture: Interrogation, Incarceration, and Abuse, Annual Bill Susman Lecture, Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives & Veterans for Peace, War Memorial Building, San Francisco, CA, February 25, 2011

The United States and Torture: Interrogation, Incarceration, and Abuse, National Lawyers Guild, Bay Area Chapter and Hastings Chapter, Hastings Law School, San Francisco, CA, February 24, 2011

Are Citizens United Against the Supreme Court’s Citizens United Decision?, League of Women Voters and Common Cause, San Diego, February 22, 2011

Shall this House Now Withdraw from Afghanistan?, Oxford Union, Oxford, England (Jan. 21, 2010)

Teachable Moments: Academic Conferencing Amid Labor Struggle, Society of American Law Teachers (SALT), Honolulu, HI, December 11, 2010

Teaching Ethics in Transformative Era: Lessons Learned from Yoo and bee, Society of American Law Teachers (SALT), Honolulu, HI, December 10, 2010

“Crimmigration”: The Intersection of Criminal Laws and Immigration panel in So Goes Arizona, So Goes the Nation? Immigration and Civil Rights in the 21st Century,  The Inaugural Symposium of the Columbia Journal of Race & Law, Columbia Law School, October 22, 2010

The Illegality of Torture & the Complicity of Lawyers, National Lawyers Guild, Bay Area Chapter, Berkeley, CA, October 15, 2010

Reckoning with Torture: Memos & Testimonies from the “War on Terror”, ACLU-Northern California, Boalt Alliance to Abolish Torture, National Lawyers Guild (Boalt Chapter), CodePink, World Can’t Wait, Progressive Democrats of America, UC Berkeley School of Law, Berkeley, Ca, October 15, 2010

Forum on Torture and the Law: Torture and Human Rights, Boalt Alliance to Abolish Torture & National Lawyers Guild, Boalt Chapter, UC Berkeley School of Law, Berkeley, CA, October 14, 2010

FBI raids on activists in Minneapolis and Chicago, San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice; Activist San Diego, San Diego Federal Building, September 30, 2010

Legal issues Surrounding Israel’s Attack on the Flotilla, National Lawyers Guild annual convention, New Orleans, September 24, 2010

The Reckoning - The Battle for the International Criminal Court, United Nations Association San Diego's Young Professionals for International Cooperation, Downtown Information Center at Horton Plaza, Jul. 17, 2010

Illegal Wars and Corporate War Profiteers, Earth is for People, Not Corporations; Election Fraud, The Undermining of Democracy in America, Peace & Democracy Action Group, First Unitarian Universalist Church; Endorsed by Common Cause (SD), P. A. C. E , Psephos, Sustainable Democracy Group , Activist San Diego , The United Nations Association, San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice, Unitarian Universalist Church, San Diego, Jul. 1, 2010

Torture and Anti-Torture Forum, Tackling Torture at the Top, Minneapolis, MN, Jun. 27, 2010

Achieving Justice for Vietnamese Victims of Agent Orange, Vietnam Agent Orange Relief & Reconciliation Committee, US Social Forum, Detroit, MI, Jun. 23, 2010

US Political Prisoners: Leonard Peltier, Mumia Abu-Jamal & the Cuban 5, Chicago Committee to Free the Cuban 5, US Social Forum, Detroit, MI, Jun. 23, 2010

Obama's nuclear policy, the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and the Stockholm Appeal for Peace, Conference celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Stockholm Appeal for Peace, International Association of Democratic Lawyers,Paris, France, Jun 19, 2010

War and civil liberties in the United States (Keynote), Orange County Progressive Summit, Corona del Mar, CA, Jun. 12, 2010

Illegality of drone attacks, CODEPINK, Nevada Desert Experience, Peace Resource Center of San Diego, San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice, Activist San Diego, San Diego, CA, May 18, 2010

Torture and the American Republic, Progressive Christians Uniting, Pilgrim Place's World Affairs Forum, and the Pomona Valley Anti-Torture Task Force, supporting the work of the National Religious Campaign Against Torture (NRCAT), Claremont, CA, Apr. 23, 2010

Trading Civil Liberties for Apparent Security is a Bad Deal, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, UCSD, La Jolla, CA, Apr. 19, 2010

Empire, Veterans and the Road Home to Peace, Veterans for Peace, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Military Families Speak Out, Gold Star Families Speak Out, and Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Ventura, CA, Apr. 17, 2010

Rules of Disengagement: The Politics and Honor of Military Dissent, Environmental Politics class, UCSD, La Jolla, CA, Apr.12, 2010

Torture and Accountability in the United States, American Constitution Society University of Florida Law School, Gainesville, FL, Apr. 9, 2010

Rules of Disengagement: The Politics and Honor of Military Dissent, Progressive Democrats of America & Democracy for America, San Diego, CA, Apr. 7, 2010

Illegality of the Af-Pak War, Veterans for Peace, San Diego, CA, Apr. 6, 2010

Bush Crimes and Accountability, International Law class in Politics Department, Pomona College, Claremont, CA, April 1, 2010

Crimes of the Bush Administration and Obama's Report Card, Democratic Foundation of Orange County, Costa Mesa, CA, Mar. 18, 2010

By Any Means Necessary: America's Tactics in the War on Terror, National Lawyers Guild, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Rethink Afghanistan, College Democrats, Muslim Students Association, Students for Justice in Palestine, San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice, Peace Resource Center of San Diego, UCSD, La Jolla, CA, Jan. 28, 2010

State of the Movement and the Current Political Situation, US Human Rights Network, Miami, FL, Dec. 12, 2009

Rules of Disengagement: The Politics and Honor of Military Dissent, Make a Difference Week, Santa Clara University School of Law, Santa Clara, CA, Oct. 25, 2009

Rules of Disengagement: The Politics and Honor of Military Dissent, Courage to Resist (benefit), Oakland, CA, Oct. 25, 2009

Keeping the UN's Promise Alive, United Nations Day, United Nations Association San Diego, Balboa Park, San Diego, CA, Oct. 24, 2009

Accountability for Torture workshop - presentation and moderator, National Lawyers Guild Convention, Seattle, WA, Oct. 17, 2009

President's Address, National Lawyers Guild Convention, Seattle, WA, Oct. 15, 2009

Rules of Disengagement: The Politics and Honor of Military Dissent, Coffee Strong GI coffee house, near Ft. Lewis, Washington, Oct. 13, 2009

Rules of Disengagement: The Politics and Honor of Military Dissent, Book Soup, Los Angeles, CA, Oct. 4, 2009

Rules of Disengagement: The Politics and Honor of Military Dissent, National Lawyers Guild, New York City chapter, New York, NY, Aug. 7, 2009

Prosecuting war criminals from the Bush administration, Veterans for Peace national convention, Washington DC, Aug. 6, 2009

Agent Orange - strategies for compensating victims, Veterans for Peace National Convention, Washington DC, Aug. 5, 2009

Rules of Disengagement: The Politics and Honor of Military Dissent, Busboys and Poets, Washington D.C., Aug. 4, 2009

Rules of Disengagement: The Politics and Honor of Military Dissent, La Jolla Friends Meeting, San Diego, CA, Jul. 12, 2009

Bush Torture Policy and Accountability of Officials and Lawyers, Torture Accountability Rally, Washington DC, Jun. 25, 2009

Rules of Disengagement: The Politics and Honor of Military Dissent, report on International Tribunal of Conscience in Support of the Vietnamese Victims of Agent Orange, Paris, France, and International Association of Democratic Lawyers Congress, Hanoi, Vietnam, Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute, Oakland, CA, Jun. 18, 2009

Rules of Disengagement: The Politics and Honor of Military Dissent, report on International Tribunal of Conscience in Support of the Vietnamese Victims of Agent Orange, Paris, France, and International Association of Democratic Lawyers Congress, Hanoi, Vietnam, Modern Times Bookstore, San Francisco, CA, Jun. 17, 2009

Rules of Disengagement: The Politics and Honor of Military Dissent, report on International Tribunal of Conscience in Support of the Vietnamese Victims of Agent Orange, Paris, France, and International Association of Democratic Lawyers Congress, Hanoi, Vietnam, Peninsula Peace and Justice Center, Palo Alto, CA, Jun. 16, 2009

A History of U.S. Terrorism against Cuba, Congress of International Association of Democratic Lawyers, Hanoi, Vietnam, June 7, 2009

Poems from Guantanamo: Closing Guantanamo: Problems and Prospects, Peace and Democracy Action Group; International Museum of Human Rights of SD; National Lawyers Guild, Unitarian Universalist Church, San Diego, May 22, 2009

Foreign Policy in the Obama Administration: Looking Backward, Looking Forward, 40th anniversary reunion of Stanford Antiwar Movement (A3M), Stanford, CA, May 2, 2009

Trading Civil Liberties for Apparent Security is a Bad Deal, Human Impact on Environment class, UCSD, San Diego, CA, Apr 13, 2009

Trading Civil Liberties for Apparent Security is a Bad Deal, Rancho Bernardo Democratic Club, Rancho Bernardo, CA, Mar. 23, 2009

Sacrificing Civil Liberties for Apparent Security is a Bad Deal, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, University of California San Diego, Mar. 19, 2009

Advice to Activist on Community Organizing, Human Earth Rights, UCSD, Mar. 5, 2009

Trading Civil Liberties for Apparent Security is a Bad Deal, La Mesa-Foothills Democratic Club, La Mesa, CA, Feb 4, 2009

Civil Liberties for Civil Rights: Justifying Wartime Decline of Civil Liberties by a Gain of Civil Rights, Lincoln's Constitutionalism in Time of War: Lessons for the War on Terror?, 2009 Chapman Law Review Symposium, Chapman University School of Law, Jan 30, 2009

Liability of Lawyers for War Crimes, Society of American Law Teachers, Association of American Law Schools Conference, San Diego, CA, Jan 8, 2009

The Highest Aspiration: Looking Ahead on the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Co-sponsored by the Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice at University of San Diego's Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies, International Museum of Human Rights at San Diego, United Nations Association and Voices of Women, Joan B. Kroc Institute, USD, Dec 10, 2008

Human Rights Under Bush and Obama, Human Rights Day, The Bishop's School, La Jolla, CA, Nov 10, 2008

Protecting Civil Liberties in the Next Administration, North Central Democratic Club, Rancho Bernardo, CA, Oct 27, 2008

Welcoming Address and Introduction of Keynote Speakers: Daniel Ellsberg and Grace Lee Boggs, National Lawyers Guild Convention, Marriott Renaissance Hotel, Detroit, MI, Oct 16, 2008

An Epidemic of Human Rights Violations, University of Toledo Law School, Toledo, OH, Oct 14, 2008

Wars, Elections, and the Economy: Empire at the Crossroads, Afghanistan (General Assembly), Sponsored by the San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice and the Chicano Studies Department at San Diego City College, San Diego City College, Oct 11, 2008

Wars, Elections, and the Economy: Empire at the Crossroads, Guantanamo (Workshop), Sponsored by the San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice and the Chicano Studies Department at San Diego City College, San Diego City College, Oct 11, 2008

(with Robert Scheer and Bruce Fein) Democracy in Distress, Common Cause, Museum of Contemporary Art, (Los Angeles, CA), Oct 1, 2008

(Delivered in Spanish) La Tortura de Presos en Cárceles Bajo la Jurisdicción de los Estados Unidos (The torture of Prisoners in Prisons Under the Jurisdiction of the United States), Derechos Humanos en América, (Human Rights in America) American Association of Jurists, (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Sep 29, 2008

Lawbreaking by the Bush Administration, National Lawyers Guild Student Chapter, Lewis and Clark Law School, Portland, OR, Sep 15, 2008

An Epidemic of Human Rights Violations, Peace and Justice Studies Association, Portland State University, Portland, OR, Sep 12, 2008

The Road to Guantanamo, Committee for World Democracy, Spring 2008 Political & Educational Film Series, UCSD, San Diego, CA, June 6, 2008

Voices of Conscience, The Women's Center, UCSD (San Diego, CA) April 28, 2008

Torture of Prisoners and Denial of Habeas Corpus, Muslim Students Association, Palomar College, San Marcos, CA, April 21, 2008

Cowboy Republic, National Lawyers Guild Far West Regional Conference, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles, CA, Apr. 12, 2008

Impeachment 101, League of Women Voters, Orange Coast College, Huntington Beach, CA, Apr. 5, 2008

Lawbreaking by the Bush Administration, Fallbrook Democratic Club, Fallbrook, CA, Apr. 3, 2008

Guantanamo, Torture, and the Military Commissions, Veteran's For Peace, Church of Today, San Diego, CA, Apr. 1, 2008

Bush's War on the Rule of Law, National Lawyers Guild Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference, Philadelphia, PA, Mar. 1, 2008

Bush's War on the Rule of Law, Lawyers Rights Watch Canada and University of British Columbia Continuing Studies, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, Feb 23, 2008

Presidential Abuse of Power & What This Year's Election Portends, ACLU of San Diego and Imperial Counties, San Diego County Bar Association, San Diego, CA, Feb 8, 2008

Expansion of Executive Power and Closing Ceremony, A Question of Impeachment, The Culture Project, New York, NY, Dec. 17, 2007

Colorblind Injustice: Roberts Court Violates Affirmative Action Mandates in Race Convention, Civil Rights, Human Rights and Race: An Applied Legal Scholarship Symposium, Howard University Law School, Washington DC, Dec. 14, 2007

Cowboy Republic, Claremont Democratic Club, Claremont, CA, Dec. 7, 2007

Cowboy Republic, National Lawyers Guild Reception, Pittsburg, PA, Nov. 16, 2007

Six Ways the Bush Gang Has Defied the Law, Social Justice Monday Series, Santa Clara University School of Law, Santa Clara, CA, Nov. 12, 2007

Cowboy Republic, Book Passage, Corte Madera, CA, Nov. 10, 2007

Book Talks, Cowboy Republic, Peninsula Peace and Justice Center, Palo Alto, CA, Oct. 12, 2007

Book Talks, Cowboy Republic, Stanford Bookstore, Palo Alto, CA, Oct. 12, 2007

Cowboy Republic: Six Ways the Bush Gang Has Defied the Law, Friends of the La Jolla/Riford Library, La Jolla, CA, Sept. 30, 2007

Cowboy Republic: Six Ways the Bush Gang Has Defied the Law, Attorneys as Authors Special Speaker Series, S. D. County Public Law Library, San Diego, CA, Sept. 28, 2007

Cowboy Republic: Six Ways the Bush Gang Has Defied the Law, Progressive Grandmothers for Political Action, Remington Club, San Diego, CA, Sept. 25, 2007

Cowboy Republic: Six Ways the Bush Gang Has Defied the Law, La Jolla Democratic Club, La Jolla, CA, Sept. 23, 2007

Practicing Law in Bush's Cowboy Republic: Challenges to Progressive Lawyering, National Lawyers Guild, Connecticut Chapter, Quinnipiac University School of Law, Hamden, CT, Sept. 8, 2007

Crimes Against Humanity - The Bush Record, June 29, 2007

U.S. Social Forum, Atlanta, Georgia, June 28-29, 2007

War on Terror? What They Don't Tell You! The Case of the Cuban Five, June 28, 2007

Torture, Terror & Political Repression - COINTELPRO & Attica to Guantanamo & Patriot Act, June 28, 2007

Are Our Human Rights a Casualty of the War on Terror? Warrantless Surveillance, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, June 13, 2007

Are Our Human Rights a Casualty of the War on Terror? Guantánamo - Is It a Gulag?, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, June 6, 2007

Are Our Human Rights a Casualty of the War on Terror? Willful Killing and Summary Execution, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, May 30, 2007

Are Our Human Rights a Casualty of the War on Terror? Torture and Inhuman Treatment of Prisoners, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, May 2, 2007

Are Our Human Rights a Casualty of the War on Terror? The Legality of the Iraq War, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, Apr. 18, 2007

War On Terror? What They Don't Tell You, National Lawyers Guild, Thomas Jefferson School of Law, San Diego, CA, Apr. 12, 2007

The War on Terror and the Rule of Law, International Association of Democratic Lawyers, Havana, Cuba, Apr. 2006

United States Military Policy and the Globalization of Poverty, Political Economy Days, Palomar College, San Diego, CA, Apr. 2006

The Party Line: Who's Listening to Your Phone Calls?, World Affairs Council, San Diego Chapter, San Diego, CA, Feb. 2006

U.S. Military Policy & the Globalization of Poverty, Poverty Law Section of the American Association of Law Schools, Washington, DC, Jan. 2006

International Commission of Inquiry on Crimes Against Humanity Committed by the Bush Administration, Riverside Church, New York, NY, Jan. 2006

U.S. Nuclear Policy: A History of Hypocrisy, World Affairs Council, North County Chapter, San Diego, CA, Dec. 2005

Delegations to Haiti, National Lawyers Guild Convention, Portland, OR, Oct. 2005

U.S. War of Aggression in Iraq, Women in Black rally, Portland, OR, Oct. 2005

Torture of Prisoners at Home and Abroad, National Lawyers Guild Convention, Portland, OR, Oct. 2005

What Precisely is International Law? A Primer on International Covenants and Treaties and Their Applicability to U.S. Law, National Lawyers Guild, Out of the Classroom - Into the Courtroom: How to Use International Law in Our Everyday Law Practices, Portland, OR, Oct. 2005

Criminal Liability for Torture of Prisoners in U.S. Custody in Iraq, Afghanistan & Guantanamo, World Affairs Council, North County Chapter, San Diego, CA, Oct. 2005

John Roberts and the Next Nominee for the Supreme Court, North County Democratic Club, San Diego, CA, Sept. 2005

Overview of the Historical Roots of the Iraq War, Antiwar Rally, Balboa Park, San Diego, CA, Sept. 2005

Supreme Court in the Balance, Southern California Americans for Democratic Action, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles, CA, Aug. 2005

Vigil to Honor Victims of Nagasaki Bombing, Coalition for Peace and Justice, San Diego, CA, Aug. 2005

Featured guest, Military Resisters, The Rocio Show (in Spanish), Miami, FL, Jul. 2005

Leader, panel discussion following A Dramatic Reading: Guantanamo: Honor Bound to Defend Freedom, sponsored by Voices of Women, Amnesty International, International Museum of Human Rights in San Diego, Peace & Democracy Action Group of First UU Church, San Diego, CA, Jul. 2005

Commission Director and Presenter, The United Nations, International Organizations, and International Relations, International Association of Democratic Lawyers Congress, Paris, France, June 2005

Legal and Political Ramifications of Torture, Teach-in on Torture, UC Berkeley, Apr. 2005

Court-martial of Pablo Paredes, Pacifica Radio with Amy Goodman of Democracy Now!, Apr. 2005

Nominations of John Bolton and John Negroponte, judicial nominees, Pacifica Radio with Amy Goodman of Democracy Now!, Apr. 2005

Globalization and Terrorism, San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice rally against the Iraq war - 2 year anniversary, San Diego, CA, Mar. 2005

The United Nations & International Law, public television, San Diego, CA, Feb. 2005

Human Rights and the New World Order, American Association of Jurists, Porto Alegre, Brazil, Jan. 2005

Debate with USD law professor Michael Ramsey on Whether Military Tribunals violate Geneva Conventions, San Diego Inn of Court, San Diego, CA, Jan. 2005

Torture and International Law, UCSD English class, San Diego, CA, Dec. 2004

Human & Civil Rights at Home & Abroad, S.D. Coalition for Peace & Justice, San Diego, CA, Nov. 2004

Torture of Prisoners, World Affairs Council of North County, Rancho Bernardo, CA, Nov. 2004

The Iraq War and International Law, National Lawyers Guild convention, Birmingham, AL, Oct. 2004

War on Terror & Erosion of Civil Liberties, ACLU, National Lawyers Guild, ADC, San Diego, CA, Oct. 2004

Treatment of Prisoners, National Lawyers Guild, Southwestern University School of Law, Los Angeles, CA, Sep. 2004


  • TJSL Building
    August 13, 2010
    Professor Marjorie Cohn was one of two featured speakers at a special event on Saturday, July 17, in honor of International Justice Day, which marks...


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