Dean Thomas Guernsey
Thomas Guernsey
President and Dean
Professor of Law
LL.M., Temple University School of Law;
J.D., Wayne State University, cum laude;
B.A., University of Michigan, with distinction
Phone: (619) 961-4272

Prior to coming to TJSL in July 2013, Dean Guernsey has most recently served as a member of the faculty at Albany Law School and served as its Dean from 2002-2011. Additionally, he previously served as Dean, Professor of Law and Interim Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at Southern Illinois University, as well as Associate Dean and Professor of Law at University of Richmond. His contributions at Albany were significant in placing the school on a solid financial footing, dramatically improving its academics and increasing its stature in the community. Dean Guernsey is active in national legal organizations, including the American Bar Association and the Association of American Law Schools.


In 2011, Dean Guernsey was awarded the Trustee’s Gold Medal, the highest honor awarded by Albany Law School to an individual who has demonstrated a record of exemplary support and dedication to the advancement of Albany Law School. Trustees and alumni established the Dean Thomas F. Guernsey Faculty Research and Scholarship Endowment in his honor to support faculty research and scholarship. He also received the Faculty Scholarship Legacy Award in honor of his efforts advancing faculty scholarship at Albany Law School, and the Legacy Award from the Center for Excellence in Law Teaching for his efforts advancing teaching at Albany Law School. Dean Guernsey was also named a University of Richmond Distinguished Educator in 1983 and 1989.


Dean Guernsey has taught evidence, criminal law, criminal procedure and trial advocacy. He has practice experience in disability law litigation and legal aid, and has served as a consultant/trainer in interviewing, counseling, negotiation, mediation and trial practice for various legal, public service, government, insurance, business, medical and banking organizations.



Advanced Negotiation and Mediation Theory and Practice: A Realistic Integrated Approach (with Paul J. Zwier) (2d ed. National Institute for Trial Advocacy 2016)

Problems and Simulations in Evidence (with Teacher's manual) (4th ed. Lexis Nexis 2010)

Problems and Simulations in Evidence (3d ed. Lexis Nexis 2004)

Special Education Law (with Kathe Klare) (2d ed. Carolina Academic Press 2001)

Admissibility of Evidence in Virginia (with Joseph S. Tate and Ronald J. Bacigal) (2d ed. Harrison Co. 1998)

A Practical Guide to Negotiation (National Institute for Trial Advocacy 1996)

Virginia Evidence with Objections (National Institute for Trial Advocacy 1995)

Problems and Simulations in Evidence (2d ed. Lexis Nexis 1995)

Special Education Law (with Kathe Klare) (Carolina Academic Press 1993)

Virginia Evidence (Harrison Co 1992)

Admissibility of Evidence in Virginia (with Ronald J. Bacigal) (Harrison Co. 1990)


Beware of Navel Oranges, 34 U. Tol. L. Rev. 81 (2002)

Negocjacje: Teoria Praktyka I Nauka [Negotiation: Theory, Practice and Teaching], Edukacja Prawnicza (1999) (Pol.).

Patient-Psychotherapist Privilege: Access to Clinical Records in the Tangled Web of Repressed Memory Litigation, 30 U. Rich. L. Rev. 109 (with Elizabeth F. Loftus and John R. Paddock) (1996)

Drug Therapy for Persons with Development Disabilites: Litigation and Legislation, 12 Clinical Psychology Review 665 (with Nirbhay N. Singh and Cynthia R. Ellis) (1992)

The Church, the State, and the EHA: Educating The Handicapped in Light of the Establishment Clause, 73 Marq. L. Rev. 259 (with M. Grey Sweeney) (1990)

When the Teachers and Parents can't agree, Who Really Decides? Burdens of Proof and Standards of Review under the Education for all Handicapped Children Act, 36 Clev. St. L. Rev. 67 (1988)

The School Pays the Piper, but How Much? Attorneys Fees in Special Education Cases after the Handicapped Children's Protection Act of 1986, 23 Wake Forest L. Rev. 237 (1988)

Toward a Unified Approach to Privileges and Relevancy, 17 Mem. St. U. L. Rev. 1 (1986)

The Mentally Retarded and Private Restrictive Covenants, 25 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 421 (1984)

Truthfulness in Negotiation, 17 U. Rich. L. Rev. 99 (1982)

The Psychotherapist-Patient Privilege in Child Placement: A Relevancy Analysis, 26 Vill. L. Rev. 955 (1981)

Constitutionality of Presumptions on Receiving Stolen Property, 21 Wayne L. Rev. 1437 (1975)


  • December 3, 2013
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  • November 26, 2013
    Alumni from class years 1973 through 2013 came together for a special reception at the Phoenician Resort to welcome Dean Thomas Guernsey and his wife...
  • November 25, 2013
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  • November 14, 2013
    At the request of TJSL student Lance Henry (3L), Interim Mayor Todd Gloria, Councilmembers Myrtle Cole, and Scott Sherman came together at the Thomas...
  • October 14, 2013
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