Published: September 29, 2010 share

Professor Bill Slomanson was the inaugural speaker in a presentation series September 23 - where several Thomas Jefferson School of Law faculty have also volunteered to speak on legal topics at Crawford High School’s Law & Business School.


Recently, TJSL donated thousands of law books to the Crawford program, part of an ongoing partnership between the law school and the Crawford program and are on the shelves of Crawford's new Moot Court  Room where Professor Slomanson's spoke.


Professor Slomanson’s topic was “Client Control Problems,” and the other TJSL professors who are scheduled to appear at Crawford include Maurice Dyson, K.J. Greene, Alex Kreit, and Ilene Durst.


Crawford’s Moot Court Room was funded by a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. At the Crawford School of Law and Business, students explore their interest in law enforcement, the legal system, and business in a rigorous college preparatory curriculum that enables them to successfully meet the challenges of continuing education and future careers.