Published: January 25, 2011 share

Thomas Jefferson School of Law Professor Leah Christensen has just had her latest book “Learning Outside the Box," published by Carolina Academic Press. 


"There are a number of excellent books that give law students advice about how to navigate through the first year of law school” said Professor Christensen.  “This book strives to be something slightly different.  It is meant to help the law student who learns differently and to provide research-based learning strategies for these students.  In my experience, it is precisely those students who learn differently that make the most successful lawyers.  But sometimes students who learn differently need a more proactive way of approaching the study of law."


According to Carolina Academic Press:


“More law students than ever before come to law school having been diagnosed with a learning disability.  If you are a student who has been diagnosed with a learning disability or if you simply have a unique learning style, you may need to outline differently, read cases differently, and approach law school in a more active, engaged, and efficient manner. This book offers learning strategies grounded in empirical research to help law students who learn differently maximize their academic success.”


Professor Christensen is already at work on her next book, "One L of a Year," which further addresses learning strategies for law students, scheduled for publication in the summer of 2011.