Published: April 20, 2011 share

Appellate Advocacy Competition
By Paul J. Spiegelman, Director of Advocacy & ADR Programs


Please join me in congratulating Jinny Campbell and Sean Smith and their coach Stephen Nicholson for achieving “Best Brief -- second place” in the San Francisco Regionals of the ABA National Appellate Advocacy Competition.


The regionals brought together 32 teams from all of over the country. Among the teams whose briefs our TJSL team bested were: UCLA, UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Hastings, George Mason, Golden Gate, University of Minnesota and Loyola (Chicago), Pepperdine, Case Western, Northwestern, Tulane, and Baylor.


This is the second straight year a TJSL team has excelled in brief writing at the ABA Regionals. In 2010, TJSL won the Best Brief award at
the Las Vegas Regionals. In the overall competition (brief + oral argument) this year, Jinny and Sean advanced to the octofinals.