Published: April 25, 2011 share

By Sterling Williams, 3L, Community Events Committee, Student Bar Association


On April 23, students, and for the first time, faculty (a special thank you to Dean Jeff Joseph), volunteered their Saturday morning at Father Joe’s Village to help support the "Easter Special Meal."  Father Joe himself said a prayer, which began a wonderful meal.  This was a great opportunity to help those in need, while everyone walked away knowing they had made a difference in the lives of many, in just a few hours.  From 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., volunteers and Father Joe’s staff served over 1,000 meals. 


The Student Bar Association would like to thank everyone who was able to come out and support the homeless and Father Joe’s Village.  We would also like to encourage others, including students, professors, deans, and staff to volunteer their time for a great cause at future events.  Father Joe’s is just a few blocks from campus and the community is always in need.