Published: March 20, 2011 share

The Law Students for Reproductive Justice held a conference on Saturday, February 19. At that time, the student organization was awarded the Cari Sietstra Excellence in Organizing Award by the national organization for LSRJ. The LSRJ chapter was recognized out of all of the 81 LSRJ chapters around the nation for its outstanding achievements in the past year.


The West Coast Conference was also the most attended conference in LSRJ history; with fifty people attend the conference throughout the day, 40 of whom were students from around the west coast, including Washington State, Colorado, and Arizona. 


The LSRJ National Conference is a great way for all of the west-coast LSRJ chapters to meet, spend some time together, and learn about a part of the law that intersects with reproductive justice.  LSRJ members say “We were honored to be able to host the conference this year, thanks  to our great regional coordinators, Sarah Clarke-Davidson from Thomas Jefferson, and Rachel Metelis, form the University of Arizona.” According to Clarke-Davidson “receiving the award for excellent organization rounded out a great weekend, and our chapter deserves it; we have worked extremely hard in the past two years and are very grateful for the honor for our achievements."