Published: May 11, 2011 share

10 Thomas Jefferson School of Law professors have been nominated for the 2011 San Diego County Top Attorneys recognition done annually by the Daily Transcript.


TJSL’s semi-finalist professors are:

Steve Berenson
Marjorie Cohn
Julie Greenberg
Marybeth Herald
Alex Kreit
Arnold Rosenberg
Kenneth Vandevelde


Adjunct professors Jeff Joseph (Academics), Jerry Wallingford (Criminal) and Garrison Klueck (Family Law) are also Top Attorney.


Quite a few TJSL Alumni are also named as semi-finalists:


Corporate Litigation
Sean Foldenauer ‘96


Corporate Transactional
Jordan Beal ‘08
Howard King ‘81


Kerry Armstrong ‘97
Linda Brown ‘81
Cole Casey ‘96


Estate Planning/Probate & Trust
Carolyn Brock ‘94


Judi Klein ‘79
Richard Renkin ‘87
Anna Romanskaya ‘07
John Schweitzer ‘92
Richard Wildman ‘76


Andrew Dunk ‘86
Andrew Fiorica ‘98
Patrick Kearns ‘05
Rebecca Lack Mowbray ‘86


Intellectual Property Transactional
Reena Patel ‘08/’09


Michael Rott ‘92


Personal Injury/Property Damage
Ben Cramer ‘08
Andrew Dunk ‘86
James Frantz ‘78
Marc Mabile ‘89


Real Estate & Construction Litigation
Thomas Finrow ‘80
Lincoln Horton ‘75
Charles Walker ‘94


Real Estate & Construction Transactional
Ryan McCrary ‘07
Amy Strider ‘02

According to the Transcript’s website

           What is Top Attorneys?
           The Transcript conducts a peer voting process to determine the best lawyers in private,

           corporate, academic and government practice in San Diego County in key categories.

           The categories have been selected to represent the main areas of law practiced

            in San Diego County.


           Finalists will be announced May 27. And an event honoring all of the finalists will be held on July 27.


           Congratulations to TJSL’s professors and alumni who are semi-finalists!