Nothing beats a relaxing chair massage during final exams. Except a relaxing chair massage and free food.
It’s called Finals Breakaway and Student Services Associate Julie Garrett arranged the event for exam-takers in the student lounge on Tuesday May 10.
Two masseuses were there to give the massages and Indigo Café set up a buffet of Mexican food that students enjoyed either in the lounge or outdoors on the newly opened 5th floor terrace.
“Fantastic,” said 3L David Gibbs after his chair massage. “A great way to break up studying for finals. And we all appreciate the work that Julie Garrett does to set this up.”
“They’re very appreciative,” Garrett said.” They always look forward to this at the end of every semester. We want to get them ready for finals and relieve some of their stress and anxiety.”
“I love it,” said 3L Sean Smith. “Free food is a great way to get people together and give us the energy to plow through until 2 .a.m.”
“It was a very good massage,” said 3L Katie Tooma.
Add to the massages and the free food, the fact that the students could dine alfresco.
“It was a nice surprise that the patio was open for the event,” said Garrett. “The students love being outside.”