Published: June 9, 2011 share

Equal Justice Works recently announced its 2011 Summer Corps Members.  This year there were a record 1,898 applications, so the selection process was highly competitive.  This year TJSL students, Juan Guzman and Stephanie Lamson accepted the prestigious the award. Juan will be working at Kids in Need of Defense in Los Angeles, and Stephanie will be at the YWCA in San Diego with their domestic violence clinic. 


This year's Summer Corps class represents one hundred sixty-three Equal Justice Works law schools. These law students will receive a $1,132 AmeriCorps education award upon completion of service at a nonprofit organization. 


Members provide critically needed legal assistance to low-income and underserved communities around the country.  In addition, Summer Corps members gain first-hand experience and legal skills in areas such as client intake, individual representation, research and writing.  Summer Corps members are engaged with a broad range of issues, including civil rights, community economic development, death penalty, disability rights, housing, domestic violence, education, public benefits and workers' rights.


To learn more about the Summer Corps Program visit