Thomas Jefferson School of Law participated in a live-streaming nationwide internet conference on October 13 presented from the White House.
The event was called "Champions of Change: Celebrating Public Service Lawyers" and it was moderated by U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder. More than 100 law schools across the country also participated in the online event.
“Participating in a national event broadens the scope of the issues discussed,” said Professor Beth Caldwell, who organized TJSL’s participation in the event along with Professor Alex Kreit. “Students had the opportunity to hear about public interest lawyering opportunities throughout the country. Geographic differences were discussed, such as the need for ongoing legal support to communities impacted by Hurricane Katrina. Some of the commentary was inspiring – it focused on the critical need for public interest lawyers. I appreciated that there was also a practical component – panelists discussed federal loan forgiveness programs that can help students pay off their law school debt while practicing public interest law. This is important because many students would like to work in the field of public interest but are prohibited by their debt.”
View the conference on YouTube
A blog of event participants, including TJSL, appears on on the White House Champions of Change website: