Published: January 9, 2012 share

A group of 52 Brazilian attorneys arrived at TJSL on Monday, January 9 to take part in the three-week U.S.-Brazil Legal Education Exchange Program (LEEP).


LEEP gives the attorneys an education in the ways of the American legal system, which is very different from the system in their native Brazil.  The first group of LEEP attorneys came to TJSL in July 2011 as part of an exchange program that will send TJSL students to Brazil later this year.


The director of the Brazilian Program at TJSL is Carla McEwen. “The United States and Brazil Legal Education Exchange Program prepares students and professionals to more successfully work in an international context, thus improving current practices in both countries,” McEwen said.


The Brazilians are excited to be in San Diego!


“It’s wonderful,” said Tania Nigri, a Federal Reserve attorney in Sao Paulo.


“I love it,” said Andrea Passarini, a Brazilian attorney who lives in Denver. “The people are so friendly.”


Ruy Morays of Sao Paulo is anxious to learn more about the U.S. legal system because he wants to live in the U.S.  “San Diego is a beautiful city,” he said.


And Fatima Gurgal thinks the LEEP program is “going to be a great experience!”


The Brazilians were treated a special dinner on the 8th floor their first night at TJSL.  Many dined on the outdoor terrace with its stunning views.


They also had a chance to get a signed copy of the new Amazon best-selling book "American Sniper," co-authored by Brazil program adjunct professor Scott McEwen. It tells the story of former Navy Seal Chris Kyle, the most lethal sniper in U.S. military history.


Several TJSL faculty member will be teaching in the Brazilian program, which has gotten off to a flying start.


From all of us at Thomas Jefferson School of Law – Boa vinda! Welcome!