Published: February 8, 2012 share

TJSL Dean Rudy Hasl stood tall among the San Diego Daily Transcript’s 2012 “Top Influentials” at a reception on Monday, Feb. 6, held to honor those selected for the prestigious recognition.  


Every year the Daily Transcript bestows the “Top Influential” title on 50 leaders in the community who have “made an impact on the industry sectors that keep San Diego’s economic engine running,” according to Transcript publisher Robert L. Loomis, including real estate, construction, technology and biotechnology, business and consumer services, finance and law.  The Transcript editorial board selected 50 such leaders, including Dean Hasl, from more than 300 nominations, the largest group of nominations received to date.


An article about Dean Hasl that supports his selection appears in the Transcript’s “Top Influentials 2012” publication.  The Transcript has allowed us to share this article:


Link to SDDT article


Link to earlier article and Dean Hasl’s quote


Dean Hasl was interviewed by the Daily Transcript's Doug Sherwin: See the Interview