Published: February 21, 2012 share

By Kevin Kampschror, Vice-President, Criminal Law Society


On February 15, TJSL’s Criminal Law Society hosted its first panel of the semester:  "Why wear the white hat?" during PILF Week.  This panel focused on various positions and opportunities throughout the criminal prosecution field. 


Panelists included TJSL's Professor Udoka Nwanna, Deputy District Attorney Michael Runyon, Deputy District Attorney Rachel Cano, Assistant U.S. Attorney William Cole, Deputy Attorney General Erika Hiramatsu, U.S. Customs and Border Protections attorney Carlos Cantu, and Jeff Thurman of the FBI. 


Each panelist brought with them an extensive background in some aspect of criminal prosecution and each panelist had a unique story, many coming from underprivileged communities.  Interestingly, many of them stated they did not intend on working in criminal prosecution.  The panel also represented each layer of criminal prosecution: from the FBI and arrest, to the DA's office or U.S. Attorney for filing charges and the appeals process after a defendant has been convicted or acquitted. 


When Criminal Law Society hosted its first event in the fall for students, a meet and greet at the Indigo Hotel, the executive board noticed there were many entering students that were interested in criminal prosecution.  Combined with TJSL's new criminal law fellowship, Criminal Law Society wanted to provide the new students with the variety of avenues available regarding criminal prosecution.  CLS wanted to invite various members throughout the San Diego legal community to discuss those different areas and opportunities.


The panel was an overwhelming success, with attendance of more than 40 students.