Published: March 19, 2012 share

By Nancy Astifo, 3-L


Want to express your opinion? Want to read about sports or current events? Or do you want to sell your books at the end of the semester? All of those options can be accomplished in one place, at the only TJSL student-run paper, The Jeffersonian.  The Student Bar Association (SBA) is responsible for The Jeffersonian with the duty assigned to the SBA Vice-President as the Editor-in-Chief.


In support of going green, the paper is purely an online publication that can be found at  or in the SBA weekly email. The paper entails six sections, including: Currents Events, Opinions, TJSL, Sports, Objections, and Classifieds. Staff writers may write about any of the first five sections and the student body is permitted to access the classified section.  The classifieds section provides students the opportunity to sell and purchase various items such as books from their fellow colleagues without dealing with expensive shipping fees and the inconvenience of going to a post office to mail the books.


Why should you read the Jeffersonian? Why not?!?  The paper is informative on current events occurring at Thomas Jefferson, in San Diego, nationally and even in particular classes such as Legal Synthesis. (Read Prof. Semeraro’s article, Professor Becomes Student) As stated above, it provides students the opportunity to purchase and sell items such as books or dressers amongst TJSL students and avoid dealing with strangers. More importantly, if you’re looking or seeking a roommate, the classifieds sections permits students to list their ads. 


All TJSL students are encouraged to be involved with the paper by becoming a staff writer or an editor. Students interested in writing for The Jeffersonian can email The paper is published on monthly basis and staff writers are required to provide one article per month minimum.