Published: October 1, 2012 share

Applications are now being accepted for the TJSL Women & the Law Project Scholarship with Lawyers Club of San Diego.  Thomas Jefferson School of Law established this scholarship in collaboration with Lawyers Club, a non-profit specialty bar association seeking to advance the status of women in the law, to support and improve the administration of justice and to promote equality of women and men in our society.  Catrina Skor ‘11 was selected by Lawyers Club as the first recipient of this scholarship in 2010 and Elizabeth Knowles ’12  as the 2011 recipient.


The scholarship provides $2,000 to a TJSL student who demonstrates support of the mission of Lawyers Club, is academically among the top 50% of her or his law school class and has completed one full year of law school (30 units minimum).  Please be certain you meet these requirements before submitting an application.  The scholarship is to be used for tuition and/or books.


The scholarship will be officially awarded at the Lawyers Club annual Holiday Luncheon in December.  Thomas Jefferson School of Law demonstrates its support of Lawyers Club as a “Benefactor.”   TJSL will have a table at the Holiday Luncheon, at which our scholarship recipient and guest(s) will sit.


Applications for the 2012 Thomas Jefferson School of Law Women & the Law Project Scholarship with Lawyers Club of San Diego are due on Thursday, Oct. 11, by 3 p.m.  The completed application should be converted to a pdf and emailed, along with a resume, to Faculty Assistant Randy Ward at by the deadline.  Applications will be evaluated by a TJSL Lawyers Club Scholarship Committee and then forwarded to the Lawyers Club for final evaluation.


Download the Application

Learn more about the Lawyers Club of San Diego at  Lawyers Club welcomes student members and has a Student Committee that helps foster relationships among students, lawyers and judges.