Published: October 4, 2012 share

It happens every semester just before Mid-Term exams begin.

Mid-Term Breakaway is a chance for students to take a break from studying, get a free lunch and get in a little social time before they bear down on exams.


"Turkey is my favorite! Nom-Nom," said Jessica Lockett 3L.


“It’s great, because during exams a lot of us forget to eat, grocery shop and do essential things,” said Sara Denton 2L. “It’s great to have people who care about your health. I appreciate it.”

“’It’s great that Student Services encourages us to take time to take care of ourselves,” said Lynn Marie Morski 2L.


The students all lined up for complimentary sandwiches and drinks in the fifth floor Student Lounge and, at one point, the line was out the door.


Among the people in line were Phillip Jackson 1L and Mike Newnam 1L. They both were studying in the library when they thought “let’s go get some food.”

“It’s a nice change,” said Newnam.


Mid-Term Breakout is always a hit … and a welcome break from the study grind.