Published: October 8, 2012 share

TJSL students Tara Almazan and Tee Ho, coached by Matt Juhren and Sam Ehrlich, beat twenty other teams in the preliminary rounds to advance to the final four of the Southwestern Entertainment Law Negotiation Competition held in Los Angeles on October 6 and 7.


This marked the second time in the three years that a team from TJSL has reached the final four of this competition.  Among the teams that Tara and Tee bested were teams from Hastings, UC Irvine, Chapman, California Western, Western State, among others. 


The team of Elizabeth Chu and Yvonne Ruiz, coached by Tim Thiel and Alexander Green, also performed well in the competition, besting both of its opponents in the preliminary rounds, but not scoring well enough to qualify for the final four.


Professor Paul Spiegelman, faculty supervisor of the ADR team, noted that “it is always gratifying when our teams receive recognition in these competitions, but the real wins are the incredible learning that the teams and their coaches do in preparing for and then competing in these events. I am immensely proud of the dedication, effort, thought, practice and ability that each of our competitors and coaches put into this competition. It sure showed. And the skills they learned will be enormous assets in their careers after law school.”


After the ADR Society acted as co-hosts for the highly successful National Sports Law Negotiation Competition last week, this was the opening competition for TJSL’s ADR Society which will also be competing in San Francisco in November at the ABA Negotiation Competition, in Los Angeles in January at the 9th Circuit Bankruptcy Negotiation Competition; in Phoenix in February at the ABA Representation in Negotiation Competition; and in the California State Bar Environmental Negotiation Competition in San Francisco in March.  


In the ADR Society, team members learn skills in communication, analysis and strategy for negotiating and mediating cases which are invaluable for the practice of law.


Tryouts to join the ADR Society will be held on Sunday, November 18, 2012.  Students who are thinking of participating should attend one of the informational meetings on November 1 at noon and 5:00 pm.


If you have any questions, contact a member of the ADR Executive Board, Tim Thiel,  Matt Juhren, Tee Ho, or Tara Almazan or Professor Spiegelman.