It’s when graduation suddenly seems real for the first time – when you put on a cap & gown and step in front of the camera to have your graduation photo taken.
That was the main event at the grad fair on October 18 in the Student Lounge.
But for some December graduates it was unreal at the same time, like for Kristen Capps 3L. “It’s really weird,” she said as she put on a cap and gown for her photo. “It doesn’t seem real yet.”
“It’s surreal, but it’s exciting,” said Jessica Lockett 3L. “It seems like just yesterday that I packed my bags and headed west.”
“It’s about time,” said Dave Barberi 3L. “But still, it doesn’t seem as long as it has been (three years). It’s time to move on to bigger and better things.”
In addition to the graduation photos, the grad fair offered information on the Job Search Event presented by Career Services on Tuesday, October 23, a Live Scan station for electronic fingerprinting (for background checks), and a chance to order custom displays and framing for your diploma.
“This is a glorious event,” said Career Services Assistant Director Angela Bayne, feeling proud and parental at the same time. “These are happy times and it takes me right to the ceremony. That’s a good feeling.”
Graduation will be held on December 15 at Copley Symphony Hall in Downtown San Diego