Published: October 24, 2013 share

An exciting new Guaranteed Merit Scholarship Program will provide generous tuition assistance to qualified Thomas Jefferson School of Law entering first-year, continuing 2L students, and transfer JD students, beginning August 2014. These scholarships are renewed annually as long as the student remains enrolled and in good standing in the law school. The funds are applied to a student's Spring and Fall tuition in two equal amounts.


What makes this scholarship program even more attractive is that new students do not have to apply separately for these scholarships, which will be awarded automatically based on the information already provided in a student's law school application!


The Guaranteed Merit Scholarships will be available for both full-time and part-time students who meet the published criteria. The guaranteed awards for first-year entering students are based on a student's LSAT score and undergraduate grade point average, as reported to us by the Law School Admissions Council (LSAC). The awards for rising 2L students will be based on their cumulative GPA after full-time students complete 2 semesters and part-time students complete 3 semesters. The guaranteed awards for students who transfer to TJSL are based on the student's class rank at the end of the first-year of law school.


"We know that paying for law school is a crucial factor in the decision-making process," said TJSL Dean Thomas Guernsey. "By adopting this new Guaranteed Merit Scholarship Program, we are helping our students reduce the cost of their legal education as long as they remain enrolled and maintain good standing. It is a win-win situation. We expect the retention of scholarships to increase significantly with this program."


For example, a first year, full-time entering student in Fall 2014, with a 154 LSAT score and a 3.21 undergrad GPA, will automatically qualify for a $37,500 award. A part-time entering student with the same score and GPA would receive an $28,125 award. A full-time transferring student next Fall, who was ranked in the top 20% at the end of his/her first year of law school, would receive a $20,000 award. All of these rewards are guaranteed as long as the student remains enrolled and in good standing.


Learn more about the new Guaranteed Merit Scholarship Programs. This section features a simple scholarship matrix that clearly defines what award amounts are available for first year students beginning August 2014, rising 2L students, as well as the class rank percentages for transfer students. There also is an informative FAQ section that explains in more detail how these scholarships work.


For additional information about financing a legal education at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, contact Director of Financial Assistance Marc Berman at or visit Financial Aid.