Published: April 23, 2013 share

By Randolph C. Reliford, Esq, Associate Director of Career Services


This summer third-year law student Danielle Gilbert (3L) will have a prominent internship with the Department of Justice Executive Office for Immigration Review in San Francisco, through its Summer Law Internship Program (SLIP). In this position, she will be assisting an immigration judge, likely by writing recommendations or memoranda, researching issues, and watching hearings. This internship opportunity is extremely selective. According to the Department of Justice’s website, there are only 15 SLIP positions with Immigration Courts nationwide.

Gilbert stated, “I am excited to work for the federal government. My other internships have been with state courts and I think it will be interesting to work exclusively with federal immigration law. I am also excited to get to know San Francisco this summer.”

She found the position because, “Career Services Associate Director Maysa Eissa sent an email about government internships that included the opportunity. Career Services Director Beverly Bracker has helped me get all of my internships.  She reviews my application materials, conducts mock interviews, and gives me great advice.” Gilbert is the incoming Editor-in-Chief of the Thomas Jefferson Law Review and plans to pursue post-graduate judicial clerkships. 

Career Services advises that students who are interested in obtaining internship opportunities with the Government regularly review the University of Arizona, Government Honors and Internship Handbook. Working with a government agency will help you develop your skillset and it can be an outstanding springboard to your legal career.