Ian Seruelo (2L), who is president of the newly formed student group LELA (Labor and Employment Law Association), has received a prestigious Peggy Browning Fellowship. This Fellowship will fund his summer internship with the IUE-CWA, which is the industrial division of the Communication Workers of America. He will be working with IUE-CWA Legal Counsel Lela Klein in Dayton, Ohio. See the Official News Release
"I learned a lot as a participant in last year’s Peggy Browning Fund’s 14th Annual National Law Students Workers’ Rights Conference in Maryland,” said Seruelo. “I know that I will learn a lot more from being a Peggy Browning fellow with IUE-CWA this summer. The reason that I applied for this internship is to pursue my passion while at the same time learning the nuts and bolts of our labor laws. Further, I hope to contribute to the union’s effort in promoting the rights and well-being of workers and their families."
“Ian, who hails from the Philippines, and worked as a journalist and with non-governmental organizations advocating for marginalized workers in his home country, continues to display an all-consuming passion for the most vulnerable,” said TJSL Professor Susan Bisom-Rapp. “He serves as a liaison officer with the Philippine Labor Party, and has worked with migrants from the Philippines who have been lured to the U.S. by fraudulent recruiting schemes. Ian is driven in his quest for social justice and committed to institution building at TJSL. This latest achievement—his Peggy Browning Fellowship -- is one more feather in the cap of a TJSL student who is absolutely outstanding.”
"This is a very impressive and well-deserved achievement for Ian, and Susan Bisom-Rapp and all other faculty and staff who helped it happen deserve great praise for this accomplishment," said TJSL Professor Michael Hayes. "I know how prestigious these Fellowships have become and how extensive and fierce the competition for them is."
According to the official website: “The Peggy Browning Fund is a nonprofit organization established in memory of Margaret A. Browning, prominent labor attorney and member of the National Labor Relations Board. The mission of the Peggy Browning Fund is to educate and inspire the next generation of law students to become advocates for workplace justice.
Through Summer Fellowships, an annual National Law Students Workers' Rights Conference and networking opportunities, we provide diverse, challenging work and educational experiences in the area of workers' rights. Our goal is to increase the students' understanding of the current issues workers face as well as promote the students' entry into the practice of public interest labor law.”