Published: May 10, 2013 share

Kim Coulter (1L) will be interning this summer with the ACLU in San Diego.


“As a previous public educator, who has worked in the inner city with young children, I have a special interest in public service and I am honored to begin my practical legal experience with the ACLU,” said Coulter.


She will be working for ACLU Director David Loy on many projects and specifically in the following two areas:


First, she will be investigating and researching fair housing issues arising from the disparate impact of certain landlord practices on low-income and minority communities.  In an area such as San Diego, where the cost of living is very high and there is a limited supply of affordable rental housing, the effects of such practices are particularly devastating.


Secondly, she will be seeking solutions for civil rights issues arising from conditions of confinement in San Diego County jails.  This issue has become a priority following the adoption of California’s criminal justice realignment statute, under which the counties have assumed from the state unprecedented responsibility for long-term incarceration of certain felons.


“I am thrilled to be interning with the ACLU this summer,” said Coulter.