Published: June 20, 2013 share

Recent TJSL graduate Richard Younger Jr. ’13 has written an engaging feature story for the July issue of North County Law magazine.


It’s a personal and humorous account of his journey from 1L to 3L at TJSL


“I live in North County and would like to practice in North County so I wrote the article as a way to introduce myself to the legal community and the members of the North County Bar Association,” said Younger.


It's a great experience for Younger see his article in print.


“I was excited to see that the article was published and that it would be read by members of the local legal community,” said Younger.  “It made me feel like a part of the community.”


Right now Young is studying for the July California Bar Exam, and post-bar his areas of interest are: Employment and Labor, Professional Liability, and Commercial Litigation.


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