Published: July 1, 2013 share

Jason Fiske '08, Director of the Online Graduate Programs at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, is featured on the prestigious blog through CALI, “Law School Ed Tech Blog.” The blog features new ideas and technology used to advance the online learning community. Adjunct Professor Fiske contributed three guest posts featuring the advanced organization and learning methods in place in TJSL’s Online Graduate Programs.  “The online learning community is really taking notice of the way we run our Program. I am extremely proud of the attention that our ideas our garnering,” said Professor Fiske.


After being featured at the ABA’s Working Group for Distance Learning in Legal Education meeting in the Fall, Fiske was approached to have his personal blog about online teaching methods ( featured on the CALI blog. “Sometimes I feel like I am doing my work and creating a system in a vacuum - it is extremely gratifying to have others take note,” said Fiske.


In the January of 2013, Professor Fiske and Associate Dean William Byrnes re-designed the program, taking advantage of some of the most advanced and innovative methodologies for online delivery of courses available on the market. In some instances, the pair created new and innovative ways to deliver information online that built upon existing structures.  Dean Byrnes initially developed one of the first online programs in 1995.  Professor Fiske earned an LL.M. at TJSL in 2009.


“The optimal online teaching pedagogy is still in its infancy. It is exciting for us to be developing systems at its initial stages that can be built upon in the future. It's quite an opportunity for us at Thomas Jefferson School of Law,” Professor Fiske said.