On April 2nd, the Middle Eastern Law Student Association(MELSA) and the Jewish Student Union (JSU) hosted a diversity panel in light of TJSL’s annual Diversity Week for the students and staff at TJSL. The diversity panel titled, Culture Shock: How Background Affects Profession, was centered on discussion relating to how the panelists’ cultural or ethnic background impacts his or her career. The five panelists who were present on Wednesday included Jennifer Litwak, Arshan Amiri, Salim Khawaja, Patricia Zlaket, and Angela
Jae Chun.
Taly Haghighi, the President of MELSA stated, “The panelists had a lot of great advice to give, and we are so thankful that such a diverse group of attorneys were able to take time out of their day for this event.”
Upon completion of the panel discussion, the panelists and guests moved to the 8th floor for a Networking Mix and Mingle. The Kebab Shop and Grilled House Café catered lunch for the occasion. The gathering on the 8th floor was a great opportunity for the students to get even more insight from the panelists in a casual environment. Rachel Baum, the President of JSU stated, “it is events such as these that demonstrate how two, very diverse groups, can come together and provide a panel for their members where everyone is able to relate in ways they may not have thought of before.”