Published: August 29, 2014 share

“It’s Complicated: Age, Gender, and Lifetime Discrimination Against Working Women”, co-authored by TJSL Professor Susan Bisom-Rapp and Middlesex University Business School Professor Malcolm Sargeant, continues to attract attention this time in the Elder Law Prof Blog.


The Elder Law Prof Blog, one of many in the Law Professor Blog Network, is dedicated to posting scholarly commentary on innovative legal works. Professor Katherine C. Pearson, of Penn State Dickinson Law, posted the article’s “tantalizing” introduction.


Professor Bisom-Rapp noted that “law professor blogs are a great source of information on cutting edge legal issues.  Elder Law Prof Blog consistently provides that kind of coverage.  I very much appreciate the ‘shout out’ from Professor Pearson.”


“It’s Complicated” offers a comprehensive analysis of the lifetime disadvantages faced by women in both the U.S. and the U.K. that increase the likelihood of falling into poverty at retirement as opposed to men. Pearson, whose scholarly works focus on legal issues facing the elderly, notes the article “examine[s] the long-range impact of discrimination against women during the course of their working lives.”


“It’s Complicated: Age, Gender, and Lifetime Discrimination Against Working Women” was recently published in the Elder Law Journal. It is available on the Social Science Research Network.