Justin Hall was inducted into TJSL as a Criminal Law Fellow where he developed a laser focus in criminal law, and now he plans to intern at the Federal Defenders of San Diego Inc.
“I'm excited to wear a suit and to contribute my legal skills in the arena of federal law,” Hall said. “I am definitely looking forward to expand my knowledge with federal offenses, and, also, I hope to learn various trial advocacy strategies from the federal defenders in the office.”
After building his network and reputation over the past several years Hall came across the internship at the Federal Defenders of San Diego Inc. from his mentors, “I obtained this position through the power of my legal network. By reaching out to my criminal law mentors right here at TJSL, I was instantly able to set up an interview for the internship position.”
Federal Defenders of San Diego Inc. provides legal representation for indigents accused of criminal offenses in criminal court. Congressional grants, under the Criminal Justice Act, provide the necessary funding to support over 60 trial attorneys and 70 support staff members. The Federal Defenders provide several types of internships including legal internships, undergraduate internships, and interpreter internships.
When asked what advice he would provide students looking for a position Hall said, “Two pieces of advice for all the job seekers: (1) Be obsessed with meeting people and building relationships. (2) Apply! Even if you think you don't meet the qualifications of the position. Chances are that you may actually get the phone call for an interview.”
Hall’s prior legal experience has been with the California Innocence Project as well as extending into politics where he was a Congressional Intern with Congresswoman Susan Davis. “Currently, I mentor high school student through the Crawford Legal Institute and Mentorship Bond and have volunteered at the San Diego Re-entry Clinic.” Hall’s mastery of Criminal Procedure coursework enabled him to help others as a learning assistant over the summer and receive “Honors” recognition in Criminal Appeals.