Published: April 8, 2015 share

University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law will host a faculty enrichment presentation on Thursday, April 9 at Noon in room 237, led by Associate Dean William Byrnes.


“I will introduce the topic,” said Professor Byrnes, “with various empirical studies of distance learning pedagogy and outcomes, before discussing the Work Group of Distance Learning for Legal Education’s Best Practice Recommendations for Distance Learning for Legal Education 2.0.”


“The Work Group is an evolving project of faculty and administrators participating from approximately 83 ABA law schools, representative of the four tiers, and its recommendations are collaboratively developed and authored over a four year period. One of the Work Group meetings was hosted by Thomas Jefferson in 2013,” noted Byrnes.


“In 2014 the American Bar Association revised Standard 306 Distance Education, expanding opportunities and flexibility for institutions to leverage technological advances within the JD academic curriculum,” explains Byrnes. “The ABA initially acquiesced to an online LL.M. in 1998.  Yet, it is since the Work Group's emergence in 2010 that many of the forty-eight online LL.M.s listed by the National Jurist have sprung up.  Thomas Jefferson has been a leader for these developments,” notes Byrnes.