Published: March 8, 2016 share

The Thomas Jefferson School of Law is proud to announce that it is accepting applications for its Bar Study Scholarship from its May 2016 graduates who will be taking the California Bar in July 2016. The scholarship is designed to provide financial support for one or more graduates who will be studying to take the California Bar for the first time. This award will allow the successful applicant(s) to devote more time to bar study.


Applications have been emailed out to the May graduating class, but an application can also be found at the Student Affairs Desk on the 6th floor as well as downloaded here. The deadline to apply is Friday, April 8, 2016. All applications, along with related documents, must be given to Assistant Dean for Student Affairs Lisa Ferreira or emailed to


Students who are graduating in December and May of each year may apply for the scholarship during their last semester. Students will be required to complete the application, provide a personal statement and supply supporting documentation demonstrating financial need by a deadline to be determined each semester by the combined faculty-staff committee. The application information will be reviewed by the committee.


Starting with the Fall 2014 semester, Professor William Slomanson has encouraged his Federal Civil Procedure students to donate $25 dollars each semester to go towards the Bar Study Scholarship Fund in lieu of any charge for his online course book, supplement and videos. “This scholarship is designed to fulfill a need that I have heard about many times—including from two of my children who attended TJSL,” said Professor Slomanson. “Many graduates across the country have living expenses that do not stop, at this very challenging time when they no longer have financial aid available. Many graduates thus face significant financial challenges, when residing in that “Twilight Zone” between law school and preparing for the bar—when they should be using as much time as possible to study for the bar. That is why I am contributing to this new scholarship, via payroll deductions. It's my hope that others in the TJSL community will remember what that was like for them, and do something to help alleviate some of the financial burden for a graduate (or graduates) in desperate financial need.”


Students and other members of the TJSL community can donate to this fund online through TJSL’s Make a Gift website. Select “TJSL Bar Scholarship Fund” in the “Please direct my gift to” dropdown menu.