• Beth Caldwell Soros Fellowship
    July 10, 2012
    Thomas Jefferson School of Law Faculty Fellow Beth Caldwell has been honored as a recipient of a 2012 Soros Justice Fellowship from Open Society...
  • New Appointments
    July 5, 2012
    Two experienced San Diego attorneys are joining the staff of Thomas Jefferson School of Law in key positions involving the school’s law clinic...
  • Julie Greenberg Blog
    July 2, 2012
    Professor Julie Greenberg, who is an internationally respected scholar and expert on issues involving sex and gender identity, has posted a blog on...
  • Prof. Bisom-Rapp in Philadelphia
    July 2, 2012
    Professor Susan Bisom-Rapp  spent Independence Day in Philadelphia, where she attended the International Labour and Employment Relations...
  • Professor Vandevelde at Oxford
    June 27, 2012
    Professor Kenneth Vandevelde is speaking at a one-day conference at Oxford University June 28, addressing the question whether international...
  • Photo
    June 27, 2012
    Five TJSL Professors recently appeared at the Law and Society Conference in the first week of June in Honolulu, Hawaii.   Professors Brenda...
  • US Supreme Court
    June 25, 2012
    The Supreme Court released a number of opinions on Monday, June 25, including a ruling on Arizona's highly controversial immigration law. These...
  • Wildenthal Lecture
    June 18, 2012
    Professor Bryan H. Wildenthal, who has volunteered to be the Project Scholar for the San Diego Public Library's series "Searching for ...
  • Semeraro CPI Article
    June 14, 2012
    The June 14 issue of the CPI  Antitrust Chronicle features a series of articles, including one by Thomas Jefferson School of Law Professor Steve...
  • TJSL Announcement
    June 8, 2012
    Thomas Jefferson School of Law Dean and President Rudy Hasl has announced the promotion and the granting of tenure for several professors as well as...