William Slomanson
William Slomanson
Emeritus Faculty
LL.M., Columbia University;
J.D., California Western School of Law;
B.A., University of Pittsburgh
Phone: (619) 961-4309

Professor Slomanson was an attorney for a Los Angeles insurance defense firm before joining the TJSL faculty. Prior to law school, Professor Slomanson served in the Navy and received the Navy Achievement Medal. In 1992, he was elected editor of the American Society of International Law’s section on the United Nations Decade of International Law, and served as chair of the section from 1995 to 2006. In 1993, he lectured on the teaching of international law to the United Nations Sixth Committee (legal) at the U.N. in New York. In 1997, he taught the school’s first paperless course, based on his web page and motions submitted via e-mail.


In 1999, Professor Slomanson was appointed to the California Law Revision Commission’s Civil Procedure Panel of Experts. In 2002, he began teaching in Kosovo each summer, where he is now a Visiting Professor at the Pristina University. Among the countries where Professor Slomanson has lectured on international topics/panels are; Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Canada, China, Cuba, England, France, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Kosovo, Mexico, Netherlands, Russia, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, and  various locations in the United States. In Fall 2007, he was appointed to serve as a Corresponding Editor for the American Society of International Law’s International Legal Materials. Professor Slomanson is listed in the Directory of American Scholars, Who’s Who in American Law and Who’s Who in American Education. He has published extensively in the fields of civil procedure and international law, having written seventeen books.


Visit Professor Slomansons's professional home page.


Courses include: California Civil Procedure, Civil Procedure I & II



O'Connor's California Practice: Civil Pre-Trial (David Levine and Michol O'Connor ed. Jones-McClure 2015)

CASES AND MATERIALS ON CALIFORNIA CIVIL PROCEDURE (with David Levine and Rochelle Shapell (Hastings)) (5th ed. West,2015) and Instructor’s Manual, and Course Web Page http://www.tjsl.edu/slomansonb/CalCivPro.html )  

California Civil Procedure in a Nutshell (5th ed. West 2014)

Federal Civil Procedure e-Book www.tjsl.edu/slomansonb/FedCivPro4_e-book (TJSL-2013)

O’Connor’s California Practice: Civil Pre-trial 2014 (with David Levine and Michol O’Connor ed., 4th ed. Jones-McClure, 2014)

O’Connor’s California Practice: Civil Pretrial 2012 (Jones McClure 2012)

Teacher's Manual for Cases and Materials on California Civil Procedure (with David I. Levine and Rochelle Shapell) (Thomson West, 4th ed. 2011)

California Civil Procedure in a Nutshell (4th ed. West 2011)

O'Connor's California Practice: Civil Pre-trial 2011 (with co-editors Julie Capell, David Levine, and Michol O'Connor) (JonesMcClure, 2011) 

Fundamental Perspectives on International Law (Thomson Wadsworth, 6th ed. 2010)

California Civil Procedure in a Nutshell (Thomson West, 3rd ed. 2008)

Cases and Materials on California Civil Procedure (with David I. Levine and Rochelle Shapell) (with Teacher’s Manual) (Thomson West, 3d ed. 2008) (Course Web Page online at www.tjsl.edu/slomansonb/CalCivPro.html)

Fundamental Perspectives on International Law (Belmont, CA:Thomson, 5th ed. 2006)

California Civil Procedure in a Nutshell (with online supplements and Instructor’s Manual) (Thomson-West, 2d ed. 2006)

Cases and Materials on California Civil Procedure (with David I. Levine, C. Keith Wingate & Rochelle Wirshup) (with online supplements and Instructor’s Manual) (Thomson-West, 2d ed. 2005). (with online supplements)

Historical Development of Arbitration and Adjudication, in Fundamental Perspectives on International Law 384 (West, 4th ed. 2002) reprinted in L'Histoire en Droit International 277 (Univ. Miskolc Press, 2004)

Fundamental Perspectives on International Law (with online supplements and Instructor’s Manual) (Thomson-West, 4th ed. 2003).  (with online supplements)

Fundamental Perspectives on International Law (with Instructor’s Manual) (Boston: West, 3d ed. 1999)

California Civil Practice Handbook: The Choice Between State and Federal Courts, (with Supplement) (St. Paul, MN: West, 1994, 1996)

Fundamental Perspectives on International Law (with Instructor’s Manual) (St. Paul: West, 2d ed. 1995)

California Civil Procedure in a Nutshell (with Keith Wingate-Hastings) (Thomson West, 1992)

Cases and Materials on California Civil Procedure (with Instructor’s Manual) (with David I. Levine, C. Keith Wingate & Rochelle Wirshup) (Thomson-West, 1991)

Fundamental Perspectives on International Law (St. Paul: West, 1990)

International Business Bibliography (Buffalo, NY: Hein, 1989)


Editor, American Society of International Law UN21 (Newsletter #44) (2012) (published online, http://www.asil.org/un21)

American Society of International Law, UN21 Newsletter, Issue #42 (Aug. 2011), available at www.asil.org, click Membership, Interest Groups, Interest Group Documents

Member, Editing Council, Ukrainian Y.B. Int’l L., Kiev National Shevchenko University (2009-present)

Corresponding Editor, ASIL Int’l Legal Materials (2008-present)

Editor, American Society of International Law UN21 Newsletter, Issue #36, January 2007, Hosted by Cornell Law School, Available online

Member, Editorial Board, Miskolc J. Int’l L. (Hungary) (published online, http://www.uni-miskolc.hy/~wwwdrint/mjil1.htm) (2004-present)

Editor (1992 - present), UN21 Newsl. (Am. Soc'y Int'l L./UN21 Int. Group, Washington, DC), Oct. 2012 (published online, http://www.asil.org/un21)

Editor, American Society of International Law, UN21 Section Newsletter, (1992-present)


3 Hungarian Yearbook of International and European Law, in Crimean Secession in International Law (Eleven 2015)

Introductory Note to Georgia v. Russian Federation: 2014 ECHR Judgment Regarding the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, 53 Int’l Legal Materials 810 (2014)

Blended Learning: A Flipped Classroom Experiment, 64 J. Legal Educ. 93 (2014)

Unilateral Secession in a Multipolar World (Introductory Remarks), 107 American Society of Int'l Law Proc. 211 (2014)

Nagorno Karabakh: An Alternative Legal Approach to its Quest for Legitimacy, 9 Miskolc J.I.L. 69 (2012), available at http://www.uni-miskolc.hu/~wwwdrint/mjil18/20121slomanson1.pdf

Pouring Skills Content into Doctrinal Bottles, 61 J. Legal Educ. 683 (ed., 2012)

Palestinian Statehood: A Secessionist Dialogue, 8 Miskolc J. Int'l L. 1 (2011)

Legitimacy of the Kosovo, South Ossetia and Abkhazia Secessions: Violations in Search of a Rule, 6 Miskolc J. Int’l L. 1 (2009), available at http://www.uni-miskolc.hu/~www.drint/mjil14/20092slomanson1.pdf, updated version available at http://slomanson.tjsl.edu/2.4_Secession_Legitimacy_Slomanson.pdf; reprinted in 3 Ukrainian Y.B. Int’l L. (2010)

American Judges against Judicial Independence, 11 Ukrainian J. Int’l L. 29 (2008)

Tunkin Centenary Symposium - Alien Detainee Cases and Responsive Legislation: United States Balance of Power Struggle Between the President and Congress versus the Supreme Court, 11 Sudebnik 711 (2007)

Practice and Pleading: Choosing State or Federal Procedure, 27 California Lawyer 37 (published online) (Jan. 2007)

International Humanitarian Law Symposium--Alien Detainee Cases and Responsive Legislation: U.S. Balance of Power Struggle between the President and Congress versus the Supreme Court, 15 Ukrainian J. Int'l L. 23 (2006)

Historical Development of Arbitration and Adjudication, in Fundamental Perspectives on International Law 384 (West, 4th ed. 2002) reprinted in L’Histoire en Droit International 277 (Univ. Miskolc Press, 2004)

State Civil Procedure Elective Plea, 54 J. Legal Educ. 235 (2004)

Legal Scholarship Blueprint, 50 J. Legal Educ. 431 (2000)

Electronic Lawyering and the Academy, 48 J. Legal Educ. 216 (1998)

Fundamental Perspectives On International Law and Instructor's Manual (2d ed.) (St. Paul, MN: West, 1995)

Right to War?, 1 Moscow J. Int'l L. 5 (English-language version 1995) (with Adam Lopatka, Chief Judge, Polish Supreme Court; Yuri Kolosov, Chair, Int'l Law Dept., State Inst. of Int'l Relations, Moscow)

Articulas Interruptus: Forbearing Footnote Folly, 12 Legal References Services Q. 87 (1993)

Book Review, The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (15th ed.), 42 J. Legal Educ. 147 (1992)

A Uniform System of Citation (13th ed.), 68 A.B.A. J. 735 (1992)

Registered Foreign Legal Consultant: The Nonlawyer Lawyer, 34 Dicta (San Diego County Bar Journal), Apr. 1987, at 23

Current American Legal Citations (2d ed.), 52 Fordham L. Rev. 428 (1984)

Le system de repartition du petrol en cas d'urgence de l'AIE et le reglement des differends, 88 Revue General de Droit International Public 360 (1984)


Creating Videos Workshop, 38th Annual AALS Clinical Education Conference, with co-presenters Angela Upchurch (SIU) and Michele Pistone (Villinova), Rancho Mirage, CA (May 5 & 6, 2015)

Pre-Conference Video, 38th Annual AALS Clinical Education Conference, Rancho Mirage, CA (March 22, 2015), available at http://media.tjsl.edu:8080/ess/echo/presentation/945b1395-6771-49cf-b12d-02dcff64e422

Nagorno-Karabakh is a case of remedial secession, Interview by Nvard Chalikyan, Panorama News, Yerevan, Armenia (April 19, 2014), available at http://www.panorama.am/en/interviews/2014/04/19/william-slomanson

Remedial Secession in the South Caucuses, American University Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia (August 6, 2012), available at http://law.aua.am/2012/08/15/international-law-prof-william-slomanson-presents-lecture-on-unilateral-declarations-of-independenc

Remedial Secession in the South Caucuses, Free Tblisi University, Tbilisi, Georgia (August 2, 2012), available at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NH2N4NGtbGQ&feature=share&list=UUGslH8OoAgATLQmfCET-Icw

Speaker, The Law and Politics of Genocide (with Chris Guzelian (MC) and Roger Kupelian), 97th Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide, UCSD Great Hall, La Jolla, CA, May 1, 2012  (Available at http://www.tjsl.edu/news-media/2012/6436)

Moderator (with panelists Sam Bettwy, Steve Berenson, Sara Stark 3L, and Sarah Stewart-Bussey 3L), War Crimes: Who Has Jurisdiction?, Thomas Jefferson School of Law, San Diego, CA, April 24, 2012  (Available at http://www.tjsl.edu/news-media/2012/6405)

Human Rights Violations and State Secession: An Evolving Standard?, Professor Slomanson’s secession debate with President Enver Hasani, Kosovo Constitutional Court, set in the USA in the Year 2050. American Bar Association, International Section Conference, Dublin, Ireland, October 13, 2011 (Available online)

Pouring Skills Content into Doctrinal Bottle, Institute for National Law Teaching and Learning Conference: Engaging and Assessing Our Students, New York Law School, New York, NY, June 3, 2011

Civil Litigation: The Rest of the Story, Professor Slomanson presented an amusing account of what happened to the  parties involved in the major civil procedure cases—and how TJSL practitioners might avoid such predicaments. One cannot find this information in any legal treatise, TJSL Alumni Association, Mangia Italiano Restaurant, Chula Vista, CA, November 9, 2010

Conference on What and How to Teach: Web Links to Currency and Skills, American Society of International Law Interest Group, Hofstra University School of Law, Hempstead, NY, Sep 25, 2009

Legitimacy of the Kosovo versus South Ossetia and Abkhazia Secessions, USAID American Center, Saint Petersburg, Russia, Jul 2, 2009

Civil Procedure: The Rest of the Story, TJSL Alumni MCLE, (on the occasion of swearing in of the 2009 TJSL Alumni Board of Directors), Thomas Jefferson School of Law, Jan 14, 2009 

Kosovo v. South Ossetia and Abkhazia: Legitimate Secessions?, Kiev University, Kiev, Ukraine, Oct 14, 2008

University Faculty Roundtable: Kosovo, South Ossetia/Abkhazia: Beginning of Cold War II?, Kiev University, Kiev, Ukraine, Oct 15, 2008

American Judges Against Judicial Independence, Moscow State University American Legal System Class, Mar. 20, 2008

Kosovo's Dependent Independence, Moscow State University World Politics Association, Mar. 17, 2008

Kosovo's Dependent Independence, USAID American Center Moscow, Mar. 17, 2008

Q & A on Kosovo's Impact on Other post-Conflict Societies, Russian Academy of Foreign Trade, Mar. 17, 2008

Kosovo: United Nations Nation Building, Universidad Autonoma de Baja California, Mexicali campus, Mexico, Nov. 15, 2007

U.S. Supreme Court's Third Strike in the Alien Detainee Cases, Yeditepe University School of Law, Istanbul, Turkey, July 3, 2007

Presented the following papers: Isolation at All Costs: Attacking Judicial Reliance on Non-US Legal Sources; and Alien Detainee Cases: Washington's Balance of Power Struggle: Alien Detainee Cases and Responsive Legislation, Miskolc University, Miskolc, Hungary, Mar. 19 and 20, 2007

Bring Your Office to the Students, West Coast ASP Conference, TJSL, Jan. 26, 2007

California Civil Procedure: Merger and Bar, California Western School of Law Faculty Development Lunch, San Diego, CA, May 2005

Moderator, State Building Panel I: Issues of Choice, Creation and Justification, American Society of International Law, Washington, D.C., Mar. 2005

Moderator, The Global Impact of Feminist Legal Theory Conference, Thomas Jefferson School of Law, Panel on Globalization and Sexuality, San Diego, CA, Feb. 2005

Moderator, The Holocaust, Genocide, and Other Human Rights Violations Conference, Panel on The Law and Literature of the Holocaust and Genocide, Congregation Beth Israel, La Jolla, CA, Jan. 2005

UN Role in Iraq After June 30th: Lessons Learned from Kosovo, Tsinghua University School of Law, Beijing, China, Apr. 2004

Recent Developments in International Law, Tsinghua University School of Law, Beijing, China, Apr. 2004

International Rule in Kosovo: Five Years in Lessons in State Building, San Diego County Bar Association, San Diego, CA, Feb. 2004

Kosovo: Lessons Learned for Governing Post Conflict Societies, San Diego State University World Affairs Institute, San Diego, CA, Feb. 2004

NATO and UN Occupation of Kosovo: Prospects for Peace, Joan Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice, San Diego, CA, Feb. 2004


    September 27, 2011
    Written by Clinton Minus 2L TJSL is now in its second year of an association with Crawford High School, exemplified by the  Crawford Legal...
  • Pro Slo Milestone
    September 9, 2011
    Professor William Slomanson has just achieved a pinnacle of scholarly endeavor. His various publications (148) have been cited over 1,000 times (now...
  • Dublin Panel
    August 31, 2011
    Professor Bill Slomanson has organized a panel for the American Bar Association's International Law Section. On October 13, he, and the speakers...
  • Pro Slo Wedding
    August 24, 2011
    by Ryan and Samantha (Massau) Ciriaco   There were no fairy godmothers, glass slippers, or mice that doubled as seamstresses, but this story...
  • Pro Slo in NY
    June 14, 2011
    Professor Bill Slomanson presented at the Institute for Teaching and Learning summer 2011 conference—”Engaging and Assessing Our Students...


Civil Procedure & Litigation

  • California Civil Procedure
  • Civil Procedure

International Law

Legal Education

U.S. Foreign Policy