• Tiffany's Farewell
    August 9, 2012
    TJSL said farewell to Veterans Legal Assistance Clinic Fellow Tiffany Gilmartin ‘10 on August 8, in a special reception in the 8th floor board...
  • Stand Down
    July 13, 2012
    “As long as you have a robe, you’re all set no matter where you are,” said Superior Court Commissioner Kelly Doblado, who was...
  • VLAC Alumni Scholarship
    June 1, 2012
    Matthew Katsionis ’12 has been awarded the alumni scholarship as the outstanding student in the Veterans Clinic for work done this past...
  • SVA Panel
    April 24, 2012
    TJSL’s Student Veterans of America organization (SVA) took on a serious and timely topic at a panel discussion on Tuesday, April 24...
  • Give Something Back
    April 18, 2012
    Give Something Back’s tagline is “Good Deals, Good Deeds.”   The office supply company donates 75 percent of its revenues to...
  • Guantánamo
    March 21, 2012
    Defense Attorney Nancy Hollander said she will “talk about Guantánamo anywhere, anytime, with anyone who’s willing to listen....
  • Beer Pier
    January 27, 2012
    By Nicole Heffel 2L   The Student Veterans of America warmly opened the doors and welcomed in the Veterans Bar Association for an old Navy...
  • Org Fair
    January 20, 2012
    The purpose of the student organizational fair held on Wednesday, January 18, was to showcase each individual organization at TJSL and of course to...
  • Vets Clinic/Bankruptcy
    November 15, 2011
    Thomas Jefferson School of Law’s Veterans Legal Assistance Clinic (VLAC) has teamed up with the San Diego Bankruptcy Law Firm to offer...
  • Veteran's Day
    November 11, 2011
     “We couldn’t let 11-11-11 go by without doing something special,” Dean Rudy Hasl said as he welcomed everyone to a Veteran...